Bocuse d´Or
Einn af þessum frönsku kokkum mun Sigurjón Bragi keppa við
Eins og kunnug er þá sigraði Frakkland í Bocuse d´Or 2021 sem haldin var í Lyon í Frakklandi í september s.l. Ísland lenti í 4. sæti og fékk verðlaun fyrir besta kjötréttinn, en það var Sigurður Kristinn Laufdal Haraldsson sem keppti fyrir Íslands hönd, sjá nánar hér.
Íslenska Bocuse d´Or akademían hélt nú á dögunum keppni um hver yrði næsti Bocuse d‘Or kandídat 2022, en þar kepptu þeir Denis Grbic og Sigurjón Bragi Geirsson.
Það var síðan Sigurjón Bragi Geirsson sem varð hlutskarpastur og hlaut að launum keppnisrétt fyrir næsta Bocuse d´Or tímabil.
Sjá einnig:
Franska Bocuse d´Or akademían er einnig byrjað að undirbúa Bocuse d´Or ferlið, en á þriðjudaginn 23. nóvember næstkomandi munu sex keppendur keppa um keppnisrétt í næsta Bocuse d’Or, en keppnin verður haldin í borginni Reims í Frakklandi.
Frönsku kokkarnir keppa í 4 klukkustundir, í stað venjulegra fimm, um besta forréttinn.
Frambjóðendurnir og starfsferill þeirra á ensku:
Boris Algarra
Originally from Provence, Algarra decided to focus on his passion, cooking, aged 15. After various apprenticeship courses, he moved to Paris in 2013 and worked at Shangri-La Paris, then at Fouquet’s, before joining Thierry Marx at the Mandarin Oriental.
Paul Cabayé
A native of the village of Avaux in the Ardennes, Cabayé was the winner of major competitions in 2021 such as Cook of Gold and the 5th culinary challenge of the President of the Republic. He is now chef de cuisine at the restaurant Les jardins d´Anaïs (1 * Michelin) in Luxembourg.
Julien Guénée
A true competitor from Île-de-France, Guénée has already taken part in numerous competitions: Jean Delaveyne Trophy, Bocuse d’Or France 2015, and Trophy of the Presidency of the Republic 2019. Passing through the kitchens of Shangri-La Paris and the Peninsula Paris, he is now executive chef of the Automobile Club de France.
Noémie Honiat
Passionate about cooking and especially pastry making, this former Top Chef candidate (season 5), born in Versailles, is a competitor who imposes upon herself one competition per year. She has already won numerous prizes such as the gold medal at the Toques d´Or or the silver medal in the Golden Spoon competition in cooking and pastry making.
Naïs Pirollet
A native of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and a graduate of the Institut Paul Bocuse, Pirollet joined Team France in 2020 in the race for the Bocuse d’Or 2021. She supported the great winner Davy Tissot in the development recipes that led him to the first step of the podium.
Jerome Schilling
Originally from Alsace, Schilling made his debut in a restaurant near his home and rose through the ranks. In 2015, he joined Villa René Lalique (2 * Michelin) as executive chef, then in 2017 the Hôtel-Restaurant Lalique – Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey as chef, where he won a Michelin star in the space of six months.
Mynd: facebook / Bocuse d´or
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