"Top Chef," a new reality competition series celebrating the culinary arts
The competing chefs will intensely peel, whisk, grate, and mince their way through a series of challenges ranging from preparing elaborate parties and gourmet dinners to working with exotic delicacies including de-inking, trimming, cutting and preparing an octopus. Each episode will hold two challenges. The first is a quickfire test of their basic skills. With minimal time they will have to take whatever is thrown at them and create something spectacular. At stake for the chefs will be safety from elimination in the second challenge, which will be more involved and test the versatility and invention of the chefs such as their ability to cater for a range of demanding clients. The food will be tasted and evaluated by the host and judges, but will also be served to the customers at whom the challenge is aimed, whether it be patrons at a five star restaurant or a room full of hungry kids. Food has to appeal to the diner as well as the critics if the chef is to survive.
The challenges will also reveal if they have the fundamental skills required of a „Top Chef,“ including their ability to work with people in the hierarchical environment of a professional kitchen and their understanding of how food feeds the visual senses through attractive presentation of their dishes. The winner must have the complete package and show excellence in each stage of the process, from the shopping for the ingredients to the cooking of the meal to the service from the kitchen. It will take a unique mix of both discipline and creativity to compete at the level of a „Top Chef.“
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