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Mikil aukning á fölsuðu áfengi – IBA biðlar til allra barþjóna og veitingamenn að vera vel á verði
Tölverð aukning hefur verið á fölsuðu áfengi um allan heim sem er íblandað með metanóli en það getur valdið blindu, líffærabilun og jafnvel dauða.
Alþjóðasamband barþjóna (IBA) hefur gefið út aðvörun um þessa mikla aukningu metanól notkun og hefur biðlað til allra barþjóna og veitingamenn að huga að eftirfarandi:
Tryggja að allt áfengi sem er framreitt sé keypt frá traustum birgjum.
Vera upplýstir um áhættuna sem fylgir metanól-eitrun og þekkja einkenni hennar hjá viðskiptavinum.
Upplýsa gesti um mikilvægi þess að neyta áfengis sem er undir eftirliti og gæðaeftirliti.
Einkenni eru til að mynda ógleði, uppköst, höfuðverkur, svimi, meðvitundaleysi, sljóleiki og getur eins áður segir leitt til blindu, líffærabilun og dauða.
Nánari upplýsingar um Metanól hér.
Fréttatilkynning IBA í heild sinni:
IBA global call to action
A Collective Call to WHO, Global Health Organizations, Liquor Companies, and the Bartending Community.
The International Bartenders Association (IBA) is deeply alarmed by the recent surge in methanol-related deaths reported worldwide. These preventable tragedies expose critical gaps in the regulation, production, and distribution of alcoholic beverages. Methanol poisoning is a global public health crisis that demands an immediate and coordinated response.
As the custodians of the bar industry, we stand firm in our commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of every consumer. We urge governments, global health organizations, the beverage industry, and the bartending community to unite against this deadly threat.
1. To the World Health Organization (WHO) and Global Health Organizations:
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
- European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
- Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC)
- U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
We urge these organizations to:
- Lead a global task force to combat the illicit alcohol trade and its public health impacts.
- Expand public awareness campaigns about the dangers of counterfeit alcohol and methanol poisoning.
- Provide technical assistance, medical resources, and emergency response training in affected regions.
2. To Liquor Companies and Producers:
- Strengthen supply chain oversight to eliminate counterfeit products.
- Introduce tamper-proof packaging and implement robust tracking mechanisms to ensure product safety.
- Partner with governments and NGOs to fund education campaigns and safety initiatives.
3. To Bartenders and Bar Owners:
- Ensure all alcohol served is sourced from reputable suppliers.
- Stay informed about the risks of methanol poisoning and recognize its symptoms in customers.
- Actively educate patrons about the importance of consuming regulated, quality-controlled alcohol.
The International Bartenders Association commits to:
1. Training & Education:
- Organizing global workshops for bartenders on identifying counterfeit alcohol and responding to methanol poisoning.
- Developing best practice guidelines for sourcing and serving safe alcoholic beverages.
2. Collaboration:
- Partnering with health organizations and the beverage industry to enforce stricter quality standards.
- Supporting governments in their efforts to combat illicit alcohol production and distribution.
3. Awareness Campaigns:
Launching consumer-focused initiatives to raise awareness about the risks of unregulated alcohol.
Methanol, often used as a cheaper substitute for ethanol in counterfeit alcohol, is highly toxic. Even small quantities can cause blindness, organ failure, and death. This global crisis affects not only consumers but also the integrity of the hospitality and beverage industries.
We stand united in saying that every drink served must be a safe drink. This tragedy is preventable, and together, we can save lives.
Mynd: ibaworld.com

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