Frá verðlaunaafhendingunni
Í gær fór fram Norrænu Embluverðlaunin sem voru afhent við hátíðlega athöfn í Osló og er þetta í þriðja sinn sem að verðlaunin eru veitt.
Sjá einnig: Frambærilegir og flottir fulltrúar frá Íslandi – tilnefndir til norrænu matvælaverðlaunanna Emblunnar
Að Emblu standa sex norræn landbúnaðarsambönd með stuðningi frá Norrænu ráðherranefndinni. Verðlaunin eiga að stuðla að því að efla norræna matarmenningu og auka áhuga á norrænum matvælum utan Norðurlanda.
Handhafar verðlaunanna:
Norrænn matvælaframleiðandi:
Fredriksdals Kirsebærvin – Danmörk.
Lýsing á ensku:
The winner is a producer who organically makes a product which is sought after in the most prestigious restaurants in Europe. Trying new innovative ways to maximise the harvest and using natural fermentation in the process.
He stood by his vision, he kept on going to produce the most authentic wine for both Denmark, but most important for himself and his vision. Proving that you can indeed create high quality cherry wine on Danish soil.
Frumkvöðull í norrænni matargerð:
Andreas Sundgren, Brannlands Cider, Svíþjóð.
Lýsing á ensku:
With a high market potential this entrepreneur is using raw tenacity to make a naturally sweet beverage in a harsh climate that nobody believed would succeed. The cold winter season, hard work and terroir apples builds a bouqet of ultra premium products.
The Nordic market has for many years desired local wine products from this specific region and finally, we can say that the demand has been met exceeding all expectations.
Handverksmaður í norrænni matargerð:
Undredal stolsysteri – Noregur.
Lýsing á ensku:
This prize goes to a food artisan with Nordic roots and traditions, and without them these traditions could not even begin.
These people was the start of a new wave of Nordic cheese production, which has created great value, new career opportunities for many and a completely different playing field in the cheese industry.
Based in world heritage site, lies a cheese company that from their own hard efforts can live their dream as one of the most important cheese artisans of the Nordics.
Boðberi norrænar matargerðar:
Det gronne Museum – Danmörk.
Lýsing á ensku:
The winner is a living museum where knowledge and activities meet the living history through storytelling. The museum is bringing together and communicating to very different kind of people – from children to professionals in different sectors.
It’s a knowledge institution offering a wide variety of living and broad learning reflecting different ages and suitable for all visitors, neither forgetting guests with special needs.
The museum is an inside out gene bank, that preserves and cultivates old varieties of plants and animal breeds
Norrænn matur fyrir marga:
The junk food project – Danmörk.
Lýsing á ensku:
The Project males a difference for a special group of people living on the edge. The food is prepared and adjusted the special dietary needs of the homeless people.
The project has many social dimensions: Homeless people, young people who gets ready for the labour market assisting in the preparation of the meals. Furthermore, the project has sustainability as a core dimension: prepares food for many, integrates food from food waste in the meals and makes a difference for the society.
Áfangastaður í norrænni matargerð:
Kvitnes Gard – Noregur.
Lýsing á ensku:
The Arctic is a braid of cultures that has survived by sharing knowledge, craft, resources, and traditions. The Arctic nature and short growing season chooses which products you will be served at this destination.
Visitors seeking originality in the north will be given an exclusive experience. The winner is preparing and serving local food based on circular economy and holistic land management and farming.
The winner is making people in the north proud of what they can produce and is an inspiration for other destinations in northern locations.
Norrænn matur fyrir börn og ungmenni
Geitmyra Credo – Noregur.
Lýsing á ensku:
Through inspiring collaborations and partnerships the winner has created a Nordci Food Hub a learning environment for children and young people for development of Nordic gastronomy in many generations to come.
Fleiri Emblu fréttir hér.
Bein útsending
Athöfnin hefst þegar liðnar eru 3 mínútur og 40 sekúndur af myndbandinu.
Myndir: facebook / Embla Food Awards