U.S. Army Culinary Arts Competition Winners
U.S. Army Culinary Arts Competition Winners:
Installation of the Year: Team Korea
U.S. Army Senior Chef of the Year: Spc. Jeffery Lagyak, Fort Bliss, Texas
U.S. Army Junior Chef of the Year: Cpl. Randy Agno, Team Hawaii
Field Cooking Competition: Fort Riley, Kans.
Student Team Skills Competition: Team Korea
Winners in special categories were:
Best Exhibit Cold Food Buffet: Sgt. Jason Pratt, Team Korea
Best Exhibit Hot Food Shown Cold: Staff Sgt. Bernard Book, Team Korea
Best Exhibit in Pastry and Confection: Spc. Alicia Hight, Team Europe
Best Exhibit in Culinary Showpiece: Spc. Joewanna Carroll, Team Europe
Special Judges Award Most Artistic Centerpiece: Spc. Carmen Rosario, Fort Bragg
Best Team Table Exhibit: Team Europe
Highest Score in Contemporary Cooking: Sgt. Joshua Speiss, Fort McNair
Highest Score in Contemporary Pastry: Spc. Joewanna Carroll, Team Europe
Best Two Member Team, Nutritional Hot Food Challenge: Team Hawaii
Baron H. Garland Culinary Knowledge Bowl: Team Korea
Best Centerpiece in Ice: Sgt. 1st Class David Russ, Fort Bragg
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