Pictures: National restaurant show to stay in Chicago
An annual trade show — which generates millions of dollars for Chicago’s economy — is staying in the city. Because of strict labor rules, organizers had threatened to pull the annual restaurant show from McCormick Place and move to another city.
The National Restaurant Association had considered moving its show to Orlando and Las Vegas, but Friday morning officials announced that they are staying in Chicago.
The National Restaurant Association draws more than 70,000 attendees and generates more than $100 million for the local economy.
„We gave it an objective look and priced it and looked at service, at the staff we deal with here and Chicago came out on top. Chicago was close to losing the mega trade show until organized labor unions worked with hospitality to make concessions on work rules, which lowers cost,“ said Steven Anderson, National Restaurant Association.
The trade show industry is very competitve. Labor unions in the other cities offered to make massive concessions and cut work crews — which would reduce the cost of putting on the show. But the National Restaurant Association signed a five-year deal with the city of Chicago.
„All of us know that the show industry is becoming more and more competitive,“ said Mayor Daley.
The city says roughly 130,000 people who work in the hospitality industry will benefit now that the show is staying in Chicago.
More info here:

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