Pastry Chefs invited to compet for a place in World Cup Team
The search is on for a pastry chef to join the Welsh National Culinary Team for the Culinary World Cup in Luxembourg in November.
Chefs are being invited to the Holland House Hotel, Cardiff on September 12 at 10.30am to compete for a place as a support member for the prestigious competition against the world’s top culinary teams.
To enter the competition, the pastry chefs must present two different plated desserts of their choice on white plates and four each of two different types of petit fours. As there will be no cooking on the day, all the plates must be complete when presented to a small panel of judges.
„This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for chefs to showcase their talent and possibly be the next pastry chef of the Welsh National Culinary Team, travelling worldwide representing their country with the most successful team in Wales,“ said team manager Graham Tinsley, co-owner of the Castle Hotel, Conwy and Nant Hall, Prestatyn.
The winning chef must attend team briefings and training sessions and will work closely with the pastry chef and assistant manager, Colin Gray, of Capital Cuisine, Cardiff, who has been tempted out of competition retirement to cook at the Culinary World Cup from November 18-22.
„Representing Wales takes passion and commitment and uses a lot of your personal time for no financial gain,“ said Mr Tinsley. „However, the PR opportunities and prestige associated with the team ensure that both the chef and their establishment benefit considerably. „
Chefs interested in competing for the team place must contact Mr Gray on 07957 422546 to book their place or to receive more information.
The Welsh National Culinary Team, which is currently ranked seventh in the world, won a gold medal at the last Culinary World Cup four years ago. The team heads for Luxembourg keen to add to the gold medals won at the Battle for the Dragon contest on home soil in February and the World Culinary Masters competition in Basle, Switzerland last November.
The full team is: Manager, Graham Tinsley, captain, Lee Jeynes, co-owner of The Whitehouse Hotel, Bowness on Windermere, Wayne Roberts, co-owner of The Waterfront, Trearddur Bay and The Courtyard, Beaumaris, Mike Bates, executive chef at Holland House, Cardiff, Colin Gray and Nick Davies, a director of Cambrian Training Company, Welshpool.
The Welsh team is sponsored by the Welsh Assembly Government to promote the food and drink industry brand ‘True Taste’ and by C&C Catering Equipment Ltd, Brakes, Unilever Foodsolutions UK, Catering Engineers (N.W.) Ltd, Hybu Cig Cymru/ Meat Promotion Wales, Gourmet Classic Ltd, Villeroy and Boch and Friedr. Dick, Germany.
For more information visit the team’s website
For more information please contact Duncan Foulkes, public relations consultant, on 01686 650818 or Graham Tinsley, Welsh National Culinary Team manager, on 07765 404950.

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