Matseðlar á heimsmeistaramótinu
Mikil fjölbreyttni er á matseðlum hjá landsliðum í heita matnum. Keppt verður í heita matnum alla daga keppninnar eða þar til á miðvikudaginn 22. nóvember.
Laugardagur 18. nóv. 2006
National Team WALES :
Coulibiac of Salmon, poached Asparagus Custard, Lobster Boudin and Sauce Mousseline
Braised shoulder of Lamb with Bean Casserole, Roast Loin with Wild Garlic, Butternut Squash,
Beetroot Chutney, Potato and Leek Croquette, Glazed Carrot
Warm Chocolate fondant, caramelised banana, coconut parfait, Mango and passion fruit smoothies
National Team PORTUGAL :
Sauté atlantic Carbineiro, pan fried fennel and tomato
Grilled Scallop over thai red rice, mussel escabeche
Veal Wellington, reat Venison fillet in gran Massala, Potato gratin with Serra cheese, vegetable sautee
Orange Torte with Requeijo creme, mint sorbet and coconut panna cotta
National Team MALAYSIA :
Crab Sensations- Crab Claw Croquette on Chunky Tamarind-Tomato Chutney,
Crab and Apple-Fennel Salad, Crab Dumpling on Leek Fondue and Verjus Reduction
Roasted Sliced Beef Tenderloin, Spiced Lamb Kebab and Oxtail Stew Harira
Braised Potato and Seasonal Vegetables
Cold Cardamon-Toffe Dates Souffle and Coconut Cream Kunafeh
Berries Compote and Madagascar Vanilla Bean Sauce
National Team SINGAPORE :
Cured Ocean Trout on Saffron-Scented Vegetable Jello
Nutty Red King Crab Fillet, Crustaceans in Brick Pastry
Roasted Baby Lamb Rack with Green Olive Tapenade topped with dried Blueberries
Braised Lamb Shoulder on Pickle Citrus Puree, Polenta-Brie Croquette, Hermitage Red Wine Sauce
Warm Crumble Cake with Lemon Curd
Garden Herb Iced Parfait on Melba Jellified Coulis, Mint Foam
Sunnudagur 19. nóv. 2006
National Team FINLAND :
Lobster Monte-Sauce poached Turbot, fried Scallop,
Verjus Mousseline and Beluga Lentils, Sherry-honey vinaigrette
Tenderloin of Bovic Lamb au Gratin with Ceps, braised Lamb Entrecôte, Truffle and Potato Purée
Fried Ceps and Vegetables, Lemon and Thyme Sauce
Chocolate Mousse Guajana Lactée, Pear Marmelade, Almond Cake,
Cherry Compote and Yoghurt Sorbet
National Team GERMANY :
In Räucheröl pochiertes Kabeljaufilet im Zucchinimantel, confierte Zwiebeln,
Roulade von Lachs und Zander auf Erbsenpüree, Gebeizter Bachsaibling mit gestockter Hechtveloute und Limettengelee, Marinierter Kürbis und Mandel-Vanille-Schaum
Geschmorte Kaninchenkeule in Rosmarin-Honig-Jus
Kaninchenrücken im Crèpemantel mit Apfel und Sellerie, Kaninchenleber und Kaninchenniere,
Pastinakenpüree, glasierte Herbstgemüse, Fondantkartoffe und Kartoffel-Steinpilz-Gratin
Passionsfruchtkrem auf einem Schoko-Orangen-Boden, Passionsfruchtgelee
Mousse von Zartbitterschokolade, Heidelbeerküchlein und Heidelbeersauce,
Wattle-Seed Parfait auf Walnusskrokant
National Team IRELAND :
Wonton of Crab and Ginger, Chilli Seared Scallop on Fennel Marmelade,
Poached Fillet of Salmon with a warm shallot and Potato Salad
Pan fried Cutlet and Roast Loin of Lamb Garnished with Celeriac slaw,
Minted Vegetables, Creamy Mash and Aged Balsamic Jus
Chocolate Delight Warm Chocolate Fondant,
Rich Chocolate Tart and Milk Chocolate Ice Cream
National Team ITALY :
Mediterranean Fish with ricottas friend ravioli and shellfish baked in foil alla marina
Roes loin baked with lard and mustard, roes shin braised with Chianti wine
and basket of polenta with mushrooms and liver of goose
Spumone with Mascarpone and crunchy of almonds on sauce of sour black cherry
with pancake of walnut and sorbet of lemon, pineapple and thyme.
National Team ICELAND :
Lightly smoked artic charr and mixed shellfish tartlette with orange infused sehllfish sauce
Selection of organic lamb with estragon potatoes, winter vegetables and lemon-thyme sauce
Hot almond and chocolate soufflé and provençal almond mousse with abricot on three ways
Mánudagur 20. nóv. 2006
National Team HUNGARY :
Grilled Balaton Pike-Perch fillets with minced Catfish discs crowned by Crayfish
Milt Ragout made with Dill and Vegetables braised in Lemon Balm
Venison Tenderloin with fine Herbes roasted in Potato coat,
with guinea fowl breast stuffed with pistachio,
onion pads,buttered carrots and fried Mangolds
Duo of green apple pudding, sour cherry and chestnut filled strudel, served with caramel sauce
National Team CANADA:
Foie Gras and Scallop Terrine, Gala Apple Chutney
Smoked Sablefish with dungeness Crab, celery root puree, sidestripe shrimp salad, lemon jelly
Glazed Bison Tenderloin, Braised Pork Belly en Crepinette and soy bean sauce
Yukon gold potato barrel with chanterelle leek stew, cauliflower croquette,
red wine sauce
Roast Pear Tart, chocolate orange bar with orange foam, rosemary icecream cake
National Team U.S.A. :
Elegant Flavors of Seafood
Diver Scallop with truffle, sole with crab mousse, salad of potatoes,
truffles and frisée, tomato and caviar sauce
Trilogy of American Beef
Poached Tenderloin, Braised Short Ribs, and Roasted Tenderloin with Foie Gras and their accoutrements
Tasting Tropical flavors and Chocolate
National Team SLOVAKIA :
Stuffed Trout with Leek and Salmon, Tear of Sterlet with Carrot on Spinach Leafs with Almonds,
Mashed Potatoes tasted with Dill and Herbs Creamly Sauce with Shrimps
Fried Saddle of Lamb stuffed with Chanterelle Mushrooms in Spinach Crust
Fillet of Deer in Maize Seasoning Cover, Fillet of Veal stuffed with mashed Veal Meat and Broccoli,
Vegetable Pudding, Spinach Gnocchi, Creamly Saffron Sauce with Thyme, Hunters Sauce with Champignons
Cottage Cheese Cake with Raspberry Foam in Chocolate and Cream
National Team CYPRUS. :
Ionian Tiger Prawn and coconut pudding
Seabass saganaki, chives sauce
Medaillons of milk fed tenderloin of Veal, Veal and sweetbreaed nugget, crispy foie gras bon-bon, Asparagus and moreil fricasse, herbed new potatoes on saute celeriac, thyme scented jus
White and dark chocolate terrine, Cumquat in light syrop,
Apple sorbet on walnut crumble bisquit and warm cinnamon cake with vanilla cream
Þriðjudagur 21. nóv. 2006
National Team NETHERLANDS :
Rotzunge, Lachs und Zander auf dreierlei Art
zubereitet mit Brunnenkressesauce und Rote-Beete-Reduktion
Gebratenes, mit Gänseleber gefülltes Fasanenbrustfilet mit Estragonsauce
Himbeer-Quark-Mousse mit Advocaat-Sahneeis imd Pistaziensauce
National Team LUXEMBOURG :
Trilogie du poissonnier avec ses saveurs du terroir :
Terrine de truite saumonnée et mousse de brochet, hollandaise aux herbes ;
Cappuccino décrevisses avec sa mousse à lail, Carpaccio de langoustines aux confits de tomates, garni de salade dherbes et tuile croustillante
Déclinaison de Pigeon et Foie Gras de canard poelé :
Composition de suprême de pigeon et foie gras sur brochette, dressée avec le duo de sauce Albuféra et jus au porto, garniture de Risotto aux morilles, Poelée aux légumes divers
Lassiette douceur du pâtissier :
Arcade de poires et son croquant damandes, Duo de raisins, Mousse au crémant et ses raisins caramelisés, Mystère à la glace de cassis sur meringue fourrée
National Team DENMARK:
Halibut and Lobster, garnished with Cauliflower, Grapefruit, Almonds and Vanilla
Tenderloin of Veal, stuffed and Forest Mushrooms,
served with sweetbread wrapped in crispy dough, vegetables,mushrooms and sauce
White and dark chocolate, served with liquorice,pineapple, raspberries and passion fruit
National Team ISRAËL :
Trio of Fish accompanied by a Saffron and Coconut Cream Sauce :
Minted-Tea smoked Trout Medaillons served on Middle East Style Cubes
Paprika and Cajun Spice Speared Tuna served on a Salad of Swiss Chard and Lemons
Celery flavoured Bamboo steamed Drum Fish served on a dish of Leeks and Chives
Duet of Chicken and Beef:
Chicken Breast marinated in a Honey and Chili Combination,
stuffed with Spinach, together with Beef Tenderloin Medallion Coated in Crispy Pistachio Nuts,
served on Pumpkin Patties and Vegetable stuffed Eggplant, accompanied by Natural Brown Sauce
Wild Bery Fruit Soup
flavoured with Cardamom and gratinated with sugared Almonds
accompanied by Mango and Coconut ice cream and Date filled Cigars
National Team SCOTLAND :
Pan roasted organic Shetland Cod, Lemon Myrtle Gnocchi, Lobster Brandade,
Sauce Vierge, Shellfish Essence
Fillet of Milk fed Veal, Chantarell Mousse braised Shin, Sage Mash,
Sweetbread Fricasse, Confit Sprouts, Sour Cherry and Port Relish
Agen Prune Soufflé Tart, Valrhona Chocolate and Grand Marnier Mousse,
Orange yoghurt ice cream, Kumquat Compote
Miðvikudagur 22. nóv. 2006
National Team NORWAY :
Light smoked Norwegian Cod with glazed Norwegian King Crab, dill-and crab fondant,
pickled vegetables, avocado cream and crab emulsion
Combination of lamb from Lofoten, buttered seasonable vegetables, rutabaga agnolotti, potato and porcini mushroom royal, parmesan- and sherry velouté
Caramel and chocolate dessert with lemon poached pear, peanut foam, pear sherbet and milk chocolate nougatine
National Team SWEDEN :
Gebeizter arktischer Saibling mit warmer Blumenkohlterrine, Schwarzwurzel- und Kerbelcreme, gebratener Kaisergranat auf Scallopsmousseline mit Krebsschaum
Gebratenes Lammrückenfilet, warme Sülze von Lammhaxen und Bries Rotweinsauce
Herbstliche Gemüse mit Tomatengelee und Schafskäse-Espuma, sautierte Pfifferlinge, Kartoffelkuchen mit gelber Beete
Milchschokoladenmousse in der Rolle mit Füllung von schwarzer Johannisbeergelee auf Brownie
Johannisbeersorbet, Krapfen gefüllt mit Vanillecrème und kandierte Nüsse
National Team SWITZERLAND :
Süsswasserfisch Kombination aus Schweizer Seen
Duo vom Rinderfilet und Jura-Poularde, geschmortes Kalbsrosenstück
Polentaschnitte mit Steinpilzen, Gemüseallerlei
Süssspeisenvariation Tessiner-Art
National Team SLOVÉNIA :
Seeteufel im Kartoffelmantel auf Erbsenpüree und Safransauce
Zlikrof-Nudelteigtaschen mit Flusskrebsschwanz und Champagnersauce
Jakobsmuschel auf Advocadosalat mit Kresse
Hirschmedaillon mit Mausconsauce, gefüllte Wachtelbrust auf Dinkel mit Backobst
» Strukelj « auf Hefeteig mit Frischkäse, Estragon und Prsut, gekochtes Gemüse mit Butter
Schwarz-weiss Schokoladenmousse auf Haselnussbiskuit
Kumquatsorbet mit Zitronen-Thymian, mariniertes Obst mit Honig
National Team MALTA :
Steamed monfish with goat’s cheese royale, Leek, mussels and hazelnut fondue, Pumpkin puree, Passion fruit emulsion
Slow-roasted loin of pork with braised pork belly flavoured with sweet spices,
Potato and dried fruit terrine, panache of vegetables, tomato and thyme jus
Bailays semifreddo, warm Pear and Chocolate crumble
Grand Marnier ice cream, Raspberry reduction

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