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Matreiðslumaður Norðurlanda



Samtímis sýningunni ferðalög og frístundir fer fram í Reykjavík Norðurlandaþing NKF. Í tengslum við þingið verður haldin keppnin Matreiðslumaður Norðurlanda, sem ennfremur fer fram á sýningunni Ferðalög og frístundir laugardaginn 9. maí og verður keppt í fimm keppniseldhúsum fyrir framan sýningargesti. Norræna keppnin er haldin árlega en hún var síðast haldin hér á landi árið 1999. Verðlaun til sigurvegara keppnanna Matreiðslumaður ársins og Matreiðslumaður Norðurlanda verða afhent við sameiginlega athöfn síðdegis laugardaginn 9. maí.

Þráinn Freyr Vigfússon
Allan Poulsen
Suvi Tikamo
Alexander Berg
Johan Laursen

 Brendan  O´Neill, yfirdómari Smakk  Írland
 Ragnar Ómarsson Smakk  Ísland
 Per Mandrup Smakk  Danmörk
 Jarmo Huuhtanen   Smakk  Finland
 Håvard Ravn Larsen   Smakk  Noreg
 Patrick Hammar Smakk  Svíþjóð
 Björn Bragi Bragason Eldhús  Ísland
 Stefán Viðarsson Eldhús  Ísland



Time of event

Nordic chef of the Year 2009 will be hold in Iceland Friday 8th of
Taking place at

The Laugardalur Sports and Exhibition Centre
May 8-10, 2009


The organizer will take care of the accommodation for competitors and jury from 7 of Mai to 10 of Mai. Competitors and jury will stay at Hotel Saga

Host Chefs

Each competitor will be provided a host Chef to assist with preparations Kitchen and ingredients.

Sigurður Gíslason, Veisluturninn  [email protected]
Stefán Viðarsson, Hilton Reykjavík Nordica [email protected]
Hafþór Sveinsson, Restaurant Silfur Hótel Borg [email protected]
Friðgeir Ingi Eiríksson Hótel Holt  [email protected]


We will make arrangements for transport from and to the airport and from hotel to competitions aria


Lunch and dinners

Lunch and dinners is on own coast, but in some of the events the competitors and jury will get invited.

Guidelines for competitors and jury

NKF rules nr. 5
Dress of the competitors and jury

Chefs jacket with national logo. Black trouser, shoes and white apron. We have chefs hat for everyone.

Official jury language in the competition



Iceland and New Nordic Kitchen

Eng – Icelandic langustine
Isl –  Íslenskur humar, sandhverfa
Swe –
Dan – Islandsk hummer og pighvar

Nok – Islandsk hummer med piggvar
Fin  – ?
The main ingredient in this dish has to be minimum 40%

 Presentation for 12 guests on plates from Figgjo 


Main course

Eng – Icelandic salted cod (bacaolo)
Isl – Saltfiskur, Bleikja
Swe –
Dan –  Islandsk salted torsk (klipfisk) og forrell
Nok –   Islandsk klippfisk og røye
Fin – 
The main ingredient in this dish has to be minimum 60%
Presentation for 12 guests on plates from Figgjo  


Eng – Icelandic chocolate 70%(Nóa-Sirius) blueberry’s purée and Icelandic  cream 36
Isl –  Nóa-Sirius súkkulaði 70 % Bláber purre Rjómi íslenskur
Swe – 
Dan – Islandskt chocolade 70%, blåbær-púré og Islandsk fløde (36%)
Nok – Islandsk sjokolade 70%, blåbærpurè og Islandsk fløte
Fin –

The main ingredient in this dish has to be minimum 20%
Other ingredients at your own choice

Presentation for 12 guests on plates from Figgjo 
 From NKF partner Figgjo Norway

Competitor may only use plates and other porcelain from Figgjo as in the list as will be published 20th  of mars

Menu has to be written in English and send to us before 15th of April 2009.

Competition 9th of Mai

07:00 clock  Bus from Hotel 

07:15 clock  Competition drawing

07:30 clock   Information

08:00 clock  Competition start

Competition time

Total time is 6 hours and 40 minutes

Starter after 5 hours
Main course after 5 hours and 50 minutes
Desserts after 6 hours and 40 minutes


      Starter Main Course Dessert
Kitchen nr. 1 start 08:00  13:00  13:50  14:40
Kitchen nr. 2 start 08:10  13:10  14:00  14:50
Kitchen nr. 3 start 08:20  13:20  14:10  15:00
Kitchen nr. 4 start 08:30  13:30  14:20  15:10   Kitchen nr. 5 start 08:40  13:40  14:30  15:20


At the NKF Gala dinner 9th  of may at Hotel Saga 

Assistant in the kitchen

Own apprentice, but he/she may not have taken the exam and not older than 23 years. We can also be helpful with apprentice (we have to know before 1st of April if you want us to help with apprentice).




Smári er matreiðslumaður að mennt, en hann hefur starfað við fagið til fjölda ára, bæði sem starfsmaður og rekstraraðili. Hægt er að hafa samband við Smára á netfangið [email protected] Skoða allar greinar höfundar hér >>

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