Hart hótelin loka fyrir fullt og allt vegna Covid-19 faraldursins
Eigendur Hart hótelanna hafa tekið þá ákvörðun um að loka og setja á sölu Hart hótelin en ástæður þessa má rekja til ástandsins í samfélaginu vegna Covid-19 faraldursins.
Fyrirtækið „Hart Hotels Ltd“ eiga þrjár eignir í Skotlandi: 75 herbergja Glenmorag hótelið í Dunoon, 54 herbergja Garve hótelið og 56 svefnherbergja hótel Mackay í Strathpeffer. Um 110 manns starfa á hótelunum.
Í fréttatilkynningu frá eigendum segir meðal annars að Covid-19 faraldurinn hafi haft mikil áhrif á hótelin og eins og stendur er ómögulegt að segja til um hvenær hótelin muni skila eðlilegri rekstrargetu.
Tilkynningin í heild sinni:
„Hart Hotels Ltd
The ongoing coronavirus crisis has had a dramatic impact on all business sectors but especially within travel and tourism.
At present it is impossible to establish when hotel operations will return to normal operating capacity.
The Directors of Hart Hotels Ltd have been carefully considering these matters and have made the decision, in the absence of acquisition from interested parties, to wind up the hotel businesses in an orderly manner over the next few months.
Consequently the directors lodged an application on 4th May 2020 to the Court of Session to enter into a Creditors Voluntary Arrangement (CVA).
This is not a decision which has been taken lightly. Our hotel company has welcomed loyal customers for many years to the Cowal peninsula and to the Highlands and has been a prominent figure within the Scottish leisure and hospitality industry.
However, we have to be responsive to the significant challenges the company would face if we were not to take decisive action.
The Company have appointed Johnston Carmichael, Chartered Accountants, Glasgow in connection with the CVA. They have already started to contact suppliers and customers with information regarding the CVA Proposal and the process to register payments due or refunds being claimed.
If you have not received any intimation please contact [email protected] with details of your claim and to receive a copy of the CVA documentation with instructions on how to register this.
Please note that the Creditors meeting to consider the CVA application will be held on 21st May 2020.“

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