Barþjónaklúbburinn (BCI) hefur fengið senda gjöf frá Danilo Oriba tvöfaldur heimsmeistari í flair- barmennsku, Sem viðurkenning fyrir að stíga fyrstu skrefin til að útbreiða flair-barmennsku og...
What’s your favorite new ingredient?I love tiny heirloom currant and cherry tomatoes. I like the pineapple-y white ones, the lime-flavored green ones and the red ones,...
If ordering wine for a table of friends seems like a daunting responsibility, here’s some expert adviceabout the no-fail options, the hidden values, the reasonable (and...
Melbournes respected William Angliss Institute of TAFE has officially opened new training facilities it hopes will work to address the problem of the chef shortage in...
FIVE chefs have been selected to battle it out against each other for the honour of being Australias candidate in the prestigious Bocuse dOr 2007. Competing...
AIR is housed in the former art deco picture palace The Bijou on a busy corner of Balmain. With delicious décor and even more delicious food,...
Cruise ship operator P&O has refused to dump its policy of paying bar staff a commission on drink sales, despite it being labelled irresponsible and „extremely...
Öll starfsemi Alpan á Eyarbakka er nú endanlega flutt til Rúmeníu eins og til stóð. Eftir sitja fjórir starfsmenn við lager og afgreiðslustarf í húsinu en...
Lítið virðist ætla að verða úr hinni svokölluðu matvælabrennu Varnarliðsins, sem fjölmiðlar greindu frá fyrir nokkru. Frá því var greint að brenna þyrfti tugum tonna af...
In Sanskrit, Amaya means the tearing of the ‘maya’, the veil preventing us from acceding to the truth. The restaurant Amaya sets out precisely to unveil...
Between its sublime views and its landscapes threatened by mass tourism, the island of Santorini can be heaven or hell, depending on how you approach it!...
There are certain universal tendencies for summer wine, holiday or no. Chilled, crisp white wines. The sometimes neglected, even chillier sparkling wines. Rosés. Light reds. And...