Wine affectionatos beware! Global warming could spell disaster for the US wine industry, according to the National Academy of Sciences, which said that wine growing regions...
(AP) WASHINGTON A government report says climate changes could be bad for California wine grapes. The National Academy of Sciences paper says a warmer climate could...
Eftirfarandi pistill birtist á heimasíðu Bandalags starfsmanna ríkis og bæja síðastliðin fimmtudag: „Við viljum þjóðarsátt um íslenskan landbúnað Enginn velkist í vafa um mikilvægi þess að...
Clues to understanding why we all perceive wines differently were unveiled by an American scientist at the Masters of Wine Symposium in Napa. Speaking at the...
A sign telling customers they must order in English graces the counter Wednesday at Geno’s Steaks in Philadelphia. An English-only ordering policy at one of the...
Hér er á ferðinni aðferð sem ég nota til þess að skapa umræður um hvað þyki tilhlýðilegt þegar paraðir eru saman ólíka hráefnaflokka. Hver eru hin...
Fyrrverandi meðlimur í Club des Chefs des Chefs (klúbbur matreiðslumanna sem matreiða fyrir forseta þjóða sinna). Ferilskrá Gísli Thoroddsen útskrifaðist frá Hótel- og veitingaskólanum árið 1971....
Christer Lingström was born in 1957. He grew up in the Sörmländska Tystberga region close to nature with hunting, agriculture and his mother’s homely fare as...
San Francisco – The renowned Michelin guide, which rates restaurants and hotels, announced on Wednesday that it is producing its first review of the US west...
As many as 6 million boxes of oranges may go unharvested in Florida this year because of a shortage of fruit pickers made worse by fears...
PORTLAND, Maine — Organic ales, lagers and pilsners are increasingly squeezing their way into retail coolers alongside non-organic beers. When Jon Cadoux launched his line of...
Mango lovers in the national capital, aided by cool winds and rains to add to their joy, were in for a special treat Sunday as they...