Around nine in every ten Georgian wines sold abroad are counterfeit, says a United Nations body, supplying fresh evidence to support Russias recent ban on Georgian...
It’s nothing personal. The man who has been called one of the world’s most innovative restaurant creators is simply looking for inspiration for the next great...
An annual trade show — which generates millions of dollars for Chicago’s economy — is staying in the city. Because of strict labor rules, organizers had...
The South of France wine brand, covering thousands of producers in Frances biggest wine region, is set to hit supermarkets next year as winemakers look to...
Skata hefur lengi verið snædd á Þorláksmessu en nýmæli eru að reiða hana fram á Þorláksmessu að sumri. Í dag er Þorláksmessa og að því tilefni...
Ríkisstuðningur við landbúnað og vernd gegn samkeppni frá innfluttum vörum er aðalástæða hás matarverðs á Íslandi. Guðmundur Ólafsson, hagfræðingur, segir þetta vilja þjóðarinnar sem styðji stjórnmálaflokka...
The American Culinary Federation (ACF) awarded eight national culinary awards after two days of intense competitions at the 2006 ACF National Convention, the largest gathering of...
ATLANTA – Three people have been arrested and charged with stealing confidential information about drink recipes from The Coca-Cola Co. and trying to sell it to...
Veitingastaðir sem bjóða upp á þjónustu við borð, áfengi og aðalrétti á bilinu 10 til 20 Bandaríkjadala glíma nú við minnkandi eftirspurn í fyrsta sinn í...
National Restaurant Association Promotes Healthful Menu Choices to Americans Underscoring the restaurant industry’s long-standing commitment to promoting healthy lifestyles, the National Restaurant Association and the California-based...
Nú í vetur hefur gengið í gegnum stærstu endurnýjun á húsnæði og búnaði frá upphafi, til að mæta enn betur þörfum gesta sinna og kröfum markaðarins. ...
With marathon tasting exercises now well underway for the annual crop of wine guides, the research of Dr. Charles Wysocki from the Monell Chemical Senses Center...