Food Ingredients China 2007
Mar.28-30, 2007
Shanghai Everbright Conventional and exhibition cneter & Shanghai international Exhibition Center Shanghai China
Food Ingredients China is the largest food ingredients and additive show in Asia, successfully combining a 3-day exhibition with a one and half day conference and technical seminars.
FIC has earned its reputation as the premier food ingredients event in China.
919 companies exhibited and 30,557 professionals visited FIC 2006. Attendees saw exhibits covering food ingredients and additives, packing materials, packing machinery, food testing technology and equipment in fact the entire food ingredients and additives industries will be fully represented.
FIC has become the largest food ingredients and additives shows held in China.
Alongside with FIC 2007, Academic Conference & Technical Seminars on a series of topics will be held. Three sessions of conference on various topics and eighteen sessions of technical seminars were held during FIC 2006.
Food Ingredients China (FIC) provides the perfect opportunity for the food companies in the world to meet and do business with their peers and suppliers of the food ingredients and additives.
Show visitors can register online.
The overseas visitors (people from outside of mainland China) who registered online can get one free copy of the Official Catalogue and free entry to FIC 2007 and save up to USD7.00 on Entrance and Catalogue fees.
To register for this event click here
Link to events site
About the Organiser
China Food Additive Association (CFAA), which is registered by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, is the only legal national organization in food ingredients and additives industry. With 800 domestic members and over 100 associate foreign members, CFAA has very strong cohesion and appeal in the production, application and marketing areas of food additives. This is the unique factor to make FIC 2005 a success in China. China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Sub-Council of Light Industry (CCPIT SLI) is a professional exhibition organizer specialized on consumer goods, including food additives.

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