Expogast culinary world cup 2006
EXPOGAST-CULINARY WORLD CUP 2006 is organised by the Vatel-Club Luxembourg takes place from Nov. 18th to Nov. 22nd 2006.
can be made online only through / World Cup / Online registration.
Guidelines for each category of participants are posted on the website World Cup / Reglement and may be downloaded by PDF
Registration deadlines are:
February 01st 2006 for National Teams, National Military and National Junior Teams;
July 01st 2006 for Regional Teams and individual exhibitors
Competition programs are Culinary Art: A and B;
Pastry: C
Culinary Art : D ( Showpieces /Centerpieces ); D1 Cold food; D2 Patisserie
25 National Teams, 10 National Military Teams and 10 National Junior Teams will be competing the challenge of the Culinary World Cup 2006.
About 34 to 38 Regional teams and some 400 individual exhibitors will be judged by confirmed international WACS judges.
About 1000 cooks from the five continents are awaited to compete, as for Expogast Culinary World Cup 2002 many more than 900 cooks have taken part in this event, 46000 visitors have been able to admire our cooks culinary skills.
The winners of the Culinary World Cup 2002 have been:
National Team: Sweden
National Military Team: Switzerland
Youth Cup Germain Gretsch : Scotland
Regionalteam: Culinary Team Alberta
Individual pastry: Urs Regli, Switzerland
Individual cooks: Burlak Lesia, Canada
For any questions or concerns, please address to :
Armand Steinmetz , President
Fax :00352 79 91 5
[email protected] / [email protected]
Jules Blau, Secretary General,
Fax: 00352 80 98 97
[email protected]
Date : 18 – 22 November 2006
Website :
Contact : Jerry Kridel
Email : [email protected]

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