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Wine region hotel wins county OK



Yamhill County – Foes discuss appeals after commissioners vote 3-0 to approve the luxury project on agricultural land

A planned luxury hotel on hilltop land now zoned for agricultural uses moved a step closer to construction Wednesday when Yamhill County commissioners approved the controversial proposal.

The board’s 3-0 decision is likely to trigger an appeal from a group representing area winemakers and grape growers. Group members immediately denounced the decision, calling it short-sighted and precedent-setting.

„The real issue is, if state land-use law . . . can be traded for a luxury hotel, why can’t it be traded for virtually any other use?“ said David Adelsheim, founder of Adelsheim Vineyard in Newberg. „Who is to say that paintball, a firing range or any number of other activities that will have just as much appeal to a slightly different crowd wouldn’t be just as appropriate on agricultural land?“



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