WACS Congress 2006 – Day 3
Its official – the Belarussian Culinary Federation becomes a member of WACS
Day two of the Congress business got off to a brisk start. No time was wasted as everyone was looking forward to a full day of activities, like the various culinary workshops and international chef demonstrations, as well as the long-awaited Pacifica Night dinner at Villa Maria Winery.
Lets cut to the chase; here were the highlights from the days business.
The anticipated presentation on the Global Chefs Challenge was given by Ferdinand Metz. It will be the first ever global chefs competition, with the objective to determine the worlds best chef. The preliminary competitions begin this year, with each country selecting their local Global Chef candidate. In 2007, those winners will move on to the continental competition to represent Africa, Asia, the Americas, the Pacific and Europe. In 2008, the continental winners (three from Europe) will compete at the final competition at the WACS World Congress in Dubai. Unilever Foodsolutions will be a sponsor of this competition.
The International Certified Master Chef (ICMC) Committee was up next, chaired by Reinhold Metz. This programme will be designed to protect the term Master Chef. Countries like Austria and Germany already have established Master Chef programmes. Thus, a WACS commission will review these existing programmes to develop the criteria for the WACS ICMC programme.
The goal is to award a WACS International Certified Master Chef Diploma, recipients will receive the WACS International Certified Master Chef Pin and/or Ribbon, they will become members of the WACS International Certified Master Chef Council, and will be registered in the WACS International Certified Master Chef Roll.
With day two of the business meetings closed for an afternoon of culinary workshops, theres only one more important business matter left to settle the voting on the 2010 Congress Bids.
But first was Pacifica Night at Villa Maria, where delegates gamely donned their pacifica shirts designed, printed and manufactured in New Zealand. It was truly a night showing off the colourful culture and cuisine of the Pacific. The main attraction was the traditional Maori hangi cooking using hot rocks and steam, from under the ground. For the hungry delegation, about 15 chickens and a large pork loin were steamed in the ground for about three hours.
The buffet was a delectable spread of fresh seafood oysters, prawns, mussels and salmon as well as wild game and other Pacific foods. Doubly delicious, was Villa Marias award-winning wines like the 2004 Chardonnay that paired beautifully with the Pacific catch.
More info here
WACS Congress Newsletter of Day 3 (PDF document)
See more photo here
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