Over 300 attend BC Wine Institute's Enology & Viticulture Conference
Well over 300 vineyard managers, winemakers and grape growers attended each day of the British Columbia Wine Institute’s 2006 Enology & Viticulture Conference in Penticton, B.C., on July 17 and 18.
Well over 300 vineyard managers, winemakers and grape growers attended each day of the British Columbia Wine Institute’s 2006 Enology & Viticulture Conference in Penticton, B.C., on July 17 and 18. Penticton lies within the long, narrow Okanagan Valley, which runs for 100 miles north of the Washington state border.
Registration increased 37 percent over last year. „It’s our seventh year,“ noted Barb Sheppard, the conference coordinator. „More winemakers and grape growers are realizing the program’s value as the conference becomes better known within the community.“ Presentation and workshop descriptions posted on the BCWI website were posted months ahead to allow participates to choose the day that best fit their needs.
The enthusiasm for some workshops prompted organizers to expand the number of participants from the intended 30 to the 50 people that each room could accommodate. Many were eager to participate in the tasting of Old World and New World Bordeaux blends presented by Philippe Bascaules, director of the renowned Château Margaux. He also discussed the characteristics of a 1900 Château Margaux vintage that continues to impress him in terms of the winemaking abilities of yesteryear.
„I’m sure that we are now making better wines in bad conditions,“ he later told delegates in reference to the industry’s ability to correct flaws, „but I’m not sure we are making better wines in very good natural conditions.“
Robert Heiss, director of operations at Gray Monk Estate Winery, appreciated hearing about the Bordeaux region’s history and approach to winemaking, as well as the more technical information delivered on topics that ranged from the pros and cons of extending the hang time of grapes to monitoring for various vine diseases. „Once again the Institute has done a good job of putting together some quality speakers,“ he told Wine Business. „Next year, though, I’d like to see one more presenter on each day so that we could get a little more information on a greater variety of subjects.“
Conference organizers are considering the possibility of adding a marketing component to next year’s event.
More than 50 companies set up booths at this year’s show, many of them with an elaborate display of their products and equipment. „At least another 15 or 20 expressed interest, but the design space wasn’t there to accommodate them this year,“ Sheppard noted. „We’ll look at expanding the trade show, as well as the possibility of opening it to the general public.“ Sheppard also wants to keep a 10- to 20-percent turnover in exhibitors so there is always something new for delegates to explore.
Ken Eastwell, an associate plant pathologist with Washington State University, appreciated the lively interaction between the speakers and participants. „It was nice to have such a good, animated discussion with the winemakers and grape growers about their concerns,“ he said. „I’m amazed at the friendliness and openness that maybe comes from the B.C. wine industry still being relatively small compared to, say, California.“
Bradley Cooper, winemaker at Township 7 Vineyards and Winery, complimented the organizers on creating a welcoming, relaxed atmosphere from registration through to the final barbeque. He also noticed the collegial spirit of his colleagues. „It hasn’t always been that way,“ he said. „In the mid-1990s, a lot of people involved in the stakeholder positions tended to be standoffish and secretive. I think most everyone finally realizes that we’re not in competition with each other but with other regions.“
Cooper says he uses the event as an annual wakeup call for what he should be planning and doing to improve his winemaking, and his alarm clock will definitely be set for next year’s conference.

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