Open de France de desserts
New shapes, new textures, new flavours, new combinations of taste… Within the catering industry, pastry is the sector that has evolved most significantly over the last 10 years, in order to adapt to the changing tastes of today’s consumers. Pastry is a profession that is respectful of tradition. However, modern pastry is also a highly creative profession. A profession that draws inspiration from modern trends, imagining new combinations designed to satisfy the most demanding of gourmet connoisseurs.
We have created the INTERNATIONAL DESSERT AWARD so as to facilitate the emergence of new ideas and talents. This high level international contest offers an opportunity to share experience, discover new cultures, also to assert daring concepts. Our aim for this contest is to boost creativeness in young professionals, and to promote the image of modern and dynamic pastry, in line with consumers’ new requirements.
The trade exhibition SIREST Ideas, a new idea for out-of-home catering, was plainly the natural choice for holding the contest. This is a unique opportunity for the pastry industry, to which an entire section is dedicated at the exhibition, to demonstrate that gastronomy cannot do without that magical conclusion to the meal that is the dessert!
I am convinced that there our young candidates who will fill us with wonder, and I wish to thank those who are prepared to support these „Creators of gourmet desserts“
President Founder of the
International Dessert Award, and of the
World Pastry Cup
The International Dessert Award is the symbol of the openness of the international media scene, towards nations possessing a rich pastry tradition, but that lack international recognition. An openness inviting new talents, so that the art of pastry may shine forth with new ideas. Openness also to new markets, for industry partners seeking new outlets.
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