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Nýr forseti WACS kosinn



Nú þegar búið er að kjósa um nýjan forseta WACS, er ljós að okkar maður, Gissur Guðmundsson stendur uppi sem sigurvegari.

Með honum standa Helgi Einarsson, ritari & Hilmar B. Jónsson, varaforseti, enn hefð er fyrir því að ritari & varaforseti eru frá sama landi.

John Sloane og hans fólk frá Singapúr beið sum sé í lægra hlut. 

Hamingjuóskir héðan. 

Hér má svo líta bækling þeirra með því að smella hér (Pdf-skjal):

Frétt á heimasíðu WACS:

Team Iceland Wins WACS Presidium Bid
After four years of leadership under President Ferdinand Metz, the World Association Of Chefs Societies (WACS) has a new presidium under Iceland ’s Gissur Gudmundsson.

A vote was held at the opening of the business day today, Wednesday May 14, at the 34th WACS Congress in Dubai. This is the first time in 20 years that a vote has been held for an incoming presidium. Gissur Gudmundsson ’s new presidium also includes running mates Hilmar B. Jonsson (candidate for Vice President), who has been a previous President of the Icelandic Chefs Association and a certified masterchef since 1969; and Helgi Einarsson (candidate for Secretary General) who is general manager of a leading food export company and was an active member of the Icelandic Chefs Association from 2004 to 2007.

At a presentation held on Monday morning, Gudmundsson revealed he had sold his restaurant in Iceland last year to dedicate himself and his time to the running of WACS. Also promised, is a permanent WACS Office in Paris, fully funded for four years by the Icelandic government. At his acceptance speech, Gudmundsson reiterated his campaign message that his team will be ’rethinking tradition ’ and emphasized, „We will work for everyone of you.“

Continental Director for Asia, John Slone, was the other candidate for president and will keep his current post.


Smári er matreiðslumaður að mennt, en hann hefur starfað við fagið til fjölda ára, bæði sem starfsmaður og rekstraraðili. Hægt er að hafa samband við Smára á netfangið [email protected] Skoða allar greinar höfundar hér >>

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