Námskeið: Indversk matarmenning
Á námskeiðinu er farið yfir fjölbreytileika í indverskum kryddum og mat. Farið er yfir fjölbreytt krydd með það að markmiði að prófa, snerta, smakka og fylgjast með notkun á kryddum og skilja mikilvæga eiginleika þeirra til að sporna gegn sjúkdómum og ýta undir jafnvægi í lífinu með réttum hugsanahætti, mataræði, lífsstíl og notkun jurta.
India is a land of a variety of exotic spices and flavors. According to the oldest healing science called Ayurveda, each ingredient used in cooking carries inherent qualities that influence the well-being of the one consuming it. This course shall help you comprehend the inherent qualities of the popular ingredients used in Indian cooking and take you through the taste album of Indian food and spices by experiential learning.
This is a course on the diverse Indian spices and food. In the lectures, we shall learn, comprehend, experience, feel, and synthesize through live demonstrations, the texture of popular Indian spices, and their benefits. Ayurveda places great emphasis on the prevention of diseases and encourages the maintenance of health through close attention to balance in one’s life, right thinking, diet, lifestyle, and the use of herbs.
The course shall acquaint the learner with the knowledge of Ayurveda, help in understanding how to create the balance of body, mind, and consciousness according to one’s own individual constitution and how to make lifestyle changes to bring about and maintain this balance. The methodology used would be participative and experiential learning.
Á námskeiðinu er fjallað um
- The idea of food and the history of its diversity in India.
- Classification of foods according to their ayurvedic qualities.
- Popular Indian spices and their medicinal properties.
- Feel, taste, and discover through experiential learning.
Ávinningur þinn
- Understand the idea that food in India is a community pursuit.
- Understand the connection between the spices and wellbeing.
- Comprehend spices and food from the Ayurvedic lens.
- Identify the dishes typical of different regions.
- Taste and experience authentic Indian food and flavors.
Fyrir hverja
This is an introductory course with a consciously designed quasi-structured module to accommodate keen learners from diverse backgrounds across ages and gender. Therefore, it is open to all and requires no prerequisites.
Hefst 29. apr. kl: 16:30
- Lengd: 6 klukkustundir
- Kennari: Shilpa Khatri Babbar
- Staðsetning: Endurmenntun HÍ, Dunhaga 7
- Fullt verð: 25.200 kr.-
- Verð til aðila IÐUNNAR: 7.600 kr.-
- Tengiliður: Valdís Axfjörð Snorradóttir [email protected]
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