Marquis Philips Shiraz 2004
Weeks after the promising Australian wine partnership known as Marquis Philips ended, perhaps the finest vintage of M-P wines, 2004, has been marked down in price. Meanwhile the former partners, Dan Philips of California-based Grateful Palate, and Sparky and Sarah Marquis of Australia-based Grapes Consulting, have sued and countersued over payments due and the use of the „Roogle“* character on the label.
After the smoke clears, we can look forward to new labels**.
Sparky Marquis, Winemaker, reported the alcohol level for Marquis Philips Shiraz 2004 is a hefty 15.5%. The wine received an unspecified amount of oak ageing.
Tasting Notes. Aromas: Cherry, blackberry, pomegranate, cassia/spice, hints of sweet oak and forest floor. The mouthfeel is medium-bodied, tart, dry, with moderately firm tannins. Jammy blackberry, plummy cherry, citrus rind, cassia spice, plus some black pepper integrate well into the accessible lengthy finish.
Closure: Screwcap.
Outstanding value ($12, sale).
*The Roogle is „half kangaroo and half eagle, symbolizing friendship between Australia and the USA“
**Sparky and Sarah Marquis’ new label will reportedly be called „Mollydooker“. Chris Ringland has become executive Winemaker for Dan Philips’ rebirth of the Marquis-Philips brand, which also counts David Hickinbotham of Paringa as a partner. Look for the new Marquis-Philips lineup in 2007.
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