Judges assess top drops
ROYAL Queensland Wine Show scrutineers will be bunkered down in an Ekka pavilion twirling, sniffing, sipping and spitting their way through 2780 of the nation’s best selections this week.
At stake is the Stodart Trophy and The Courier-Mail Trophy, for the champion wine selected from all trophy winning wines.
Councillor in charge Bill Ryan said while many of the well-known producers had nominated, such as Penfolds, small independents often proved to be best in show.
„They all strive for lovely fresh wine every time and while there is a low fault rate you do get the occasional ‘wet mouse’ (cork taint) or ‘wet hessian bag’ (oxidisation),“ Dr Ryan said.
Many of the wine stewards are actually Queensland producers who see first hand what makes the cut and why some wines miss out, making their own success more likely.
„It is important for producers to see how the judging is done and how they can make their own products better. They soon learn that faults are unacceptable, that wine must smell like fruit and it must have a strong flavour,“ Dr Ryan said.
„And Queensland wines are now getting more medals.“
This year judges are also experimenting with bigger glasses, which experts say makes the wine up to 40 per cent tastier.
About half of all entrant bottles have screw top caps, dispelling the myth a wine bottle without a cork is not as drinkable.
Trophies will be presented on Thursday and a trade testing, that will see producers fly in from around the nation, will be held the following morning.
And, on Saturday, the doors will be flung open for the public who, for $30 a head, will be able to road test all entered wines.

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