It's all good at Grapes & Gourmet !
GOURMET FOOD, wine tasting, auctions and musical entertainment are the highlights of Thursday’s Grapes & Gourmet! A Wine and Food Festival.
The three-hour event, at the San Bernardino County Government Center, begins at 5:30 p.m. Restaurant critic David Cohen will be the master of ceremonies.
A variety of wines — including some from Temecula area wineries — will be available for tasting and auction during the event. Wineries expected to participate include Barefoot Cellars, Callaway, Galleano, Maurice Carrie and Thornton.
Restaurants and businesses taking part include The Castaways, Hometown Buffet, Mr. Hill’s Catering, Napoli’s, The Potiniere of the San Bernardino Hilton, Spencer’s Restaurant of the Radisson, Ray’s Downtown Deli and Trader Joe’s.
Items for auction will include various dinners at area restaurants and other locations, memorabilia, items from the Temecula Wine Country, and other „one of a kind“ opportunities and items.
Admission is a $20 donation in advance or $25 at the door. Proceeds benefit the Center for Individual Development, a regional recreation center for people with disabilities. The event is sponsored Friends of the C.I.D. The San Bernardino County Government Center is at 385 N. Arrowhead Ave., San Bernardino. For more information, call (909) 384-5426.

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