Singer-turned-winemaker Cliff Richard has been duped into slamming his own wine as ‘tainted and insipid’ on a TV programme. Richard’s nemesis was the outspoken super-chef Gordon...
Australian viticulturalist Peter Hayes has been elected unopposed as President of the International Organisation of the Vine and Wine (OIV). The OIV is the world’s major...
Í júlí mánuði verða vín frá hinum virtu vínhúsum Jacob´s Creek og Orlando Wines á sérstöku kynningarverði í Fríhöfn Leifs Eiríksonar. Þessi vínhús koma frá Suður...
South Kitchen and Wine Bar, in South Boston’s Perkins Square, opened to huge fanfare. But after 10 months, it has closed its doors. The white tablecloths...
Verðskrá tóbaks fyrir júlí er kominn inn á Afhending tóbaks í heildsölu er hér sem segist: -Verslanir skulu panta fyrir hádegi daginn fyrir heimsendingu. -Tóbakspantanir...
Nú eru nýjir þemadagar hafnir í vínbúðunum og standa þeir til 5.ágúst. Í þetta skiptið eru sumarvínin allsráðandi. Að sjálfsögðu vilja flestir hafa gott vín með...
Gerard Bentryn in the vineyard Bainbridge Island, Washington.It was raining lightly when we visited the winery on the Island facing Seattle on the other side...
Yamhill County – Foes discuss appeals after commissioners vote 3-0 to approve the luxury project on agricultural land A planned luxury hotel on hilltop land now...
SYDNEY (AFP) – The value of Australian wine exports was flat in the 12 months to the end of June as sales volumes increased but a...
Portugal’s aged tawny Port is accessible, affordable and ready to drink now Vintage Port is rare and expensive, a darling of wine magazines and point-obsessed oenophiles...
While melatonin exists in fruit skin, scientists are trying to find it in the final fermented product. Widely used red wine grapes show possibility as a...
Catch The Crush Harvest Party 2006!Saturday August 26, 2006 What is a Harvest Party? Its your chance to live the glamorous life of a grape picker...