Bæjarstjórn Stykkishólmsbæjar hefur samþykkt með fjórum atkvæðum gegn þremur endurnýjun á leyfi Golfklúbbsins Mostra til vínveitinga. Þeir bæjarfulltrúar sem greiddu atkvæði gegn leyfinu, þau Berglind Axelsdóttir,...
What was the last thing you ate? Vine peach Where would you most like to have dinner tonight?At LEpuisette, a small fish restaurant in Marseilles, France...
ROYAL Queensland Wine Show scrutineers will be bunkered down in an Ekka pavilion twirling, sniffing, sipping and spitting their way through 2780 of the nation’s best...
Balletto Vineyards and Dutton-Goldfield Winery are delighted to announce their Tasting Room Grand Opening Celebration on Sunday, August 6, 2006. Everyone is invited to join us...
One Ravenna couple created a booming business after retirement, and it all started from a little interest in berries. Paul and Joyce Sears sold their home...
COBDEN – Owl Creek Vineyard’s Bald Knob wine took „Best of Show“ in the 2006 Illinois Wine Competition in Springfield last week. The competition judges Illinois’...
NAPA, Calif. – Next time your favorite leading man pours a pinot or syrah, take note. You may be looking at a product placement. Whether it’s...
It’s a far cry from the runways of European fashion houses, but Executive Chef Dario Tomaselli says he prefers to „strut his stuff“ out the kitchen...
At three round tables, Kellie Jankowski and 16 of her friends and family members gathered at Filipo Marc Winery in Clinton Township for a Friday night...
It’s the last Sunday of the month and the tiny Calico Restaurant and Patisserie in Rhinebeck is closed to the public. But inside, 22 in-the-know diners...
TV chef Gordon Ramsay won libel damages from a newspaper which claimed his programme Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares had faked health hazards in a restaurant. London’s Evening...
A virus that has been compared to cancer is attacking grapevines nationwide, forcing some growers to uproot entire vineyards that have produced award-winning wines. The industry...