A glass of wine designed to compliment the tastes of fine-dining menu items is something Christina’s Restaurant at the Bailiwick Inn prides itself on, and now...
Okanagan Valley, B.C.-Sitting on Quails’ Gate’s view-kissed, sun-drenched patio, it’s hard to imagine that only a few years ago the collective powers that be wondered whether...
Japanese scientists have developed a robotic wine taster, which they claim can correctly identify the unique organic components of 30 popular wines within 30 seconds. The...
Laureus World Sports Award eru óskarsverðlaun íþróttahreyfingarinnar skv. því sem Josep hjá Castell del Remei segir mér. Hann var ánægður með það að 1780 vínið þeirra...
Stefán Guðjónsson vínspekúlant og ritstjóri Smakkarinn.is hefur sett saman ítarlegan pistil um vínsmakk. Vínin sem voru smökkuð voru nokkrir árgangar af Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte og...
Með 2006-árgangnum kemur fram nýr vínflokkur í suðvestur Frakklandi, Vin de Pays de l’Atlantique. Fyrst um sinn munu sjást einnar þrúgu vín sem og blöndur hinna...
Eftir því sem bardagar harðna í Líbanon aukast áhyggjur Líbanskra vínbænda að vínekrur þeirra verði fyrir árásum. Enn sem komið er hafa vínekrurnar ekki orðið fyrir...
07.28.06 – Sonoma Salute to the Arts, a local showcase of the culinary, winemaking, visual, performing and literary arts, will celebrate its 21st birthday this weekend,...
Businesses fly because profit margins are comfortable. The wine industry isnt one of those. No, somehow theres a strange beauty that drives it, writes Bruce Jack...
Having traveled the country’s major culinary destinations over the years, StarChefs’ editors have experienced the peculiar dining cultures of cities like Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, San...
Well over 300 vineyard managers, winemakers and grape growers attended each day of the British Columbia Wine Institute’s 2006 Enology & Viticulture Conference in Penticton, B.C.,...
Það muna eflaust margir eftir Rocco í raunveruleika þættinum „The Restaurant“ sem snérist um rekstur veitingastað á 22nd Stræti í New York, sem sjálfur Rocco sá...