Feast on a stick
Take a stab at ancient technique by putting meat, veggies on a skewer
About the time man discovered fire, he learned that meat could be cooked more quickly on sticks instead of laying a side of deer on the flames. No wonder just about every culture has some version of skewered food.
In Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia, satay rules. Marinated chicken or fish is skewered, grilled and traditionally served with a peanut sauce.
In India, tikka is popular.
And in the Middle East, shish kebabs are so widespread, theyve jumped borders to become a standard term for just about anything skewered and grilled.
No matter what theyre called, skewered foods are a boon for those who like to grill. Theyre quick, can be customized to just about any food preference and, most important, taste great.
Most supermarkets sell kebabs of some kind, which are great in a pinch. But cooks who make their own can experiment with marinades, ingredients and, with beef kebabs, cuts of meat.
Theres nothing complicated about skewered foods, but cooks should keep a few things in mind.
First, cut the meat into samesize pieces to guarantee theyll all be done at the same time. When choosing vegetables, cut them so theyll be done when the meat is. Potatoes take longer to cook, so they either need to be in small pieces or par-boiled before skewering. Zucchini and eggplant cook in just a few minutes, so cut them larger if pairing with meat.
As for tomatoes, use them only with food that cooks quickly, such as fish, because theyll burst over the flames in no time.
Marinades are a great way to add flavor to skewered foods. We developed recipes with global flavors to give our skewers an international flair. Most of the marinades will work in an hour or less at room temperature. For those who want to do them ahead, keep in mind that highly acidic marinades, such as the one for the swordfish, will denature or „cook“ the proteins. This will result in mushy meat, so dont marinate beyond the recommended time.
Finally, when skewering food, dont pack it on. The ingredients can touch, but will cook most evenly if theyre not crowded.
The recipes below are great starting points for kebabs, but dont be afraid to experiment. Most vegetables, even corn on the cob and thick green onions, are great skewered. Fruits can work, too. Pineapple chunks and peach wedges make nice additions.
Use your imagination and light the fire to pay homage to one of our most ancient foods.
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