Christer Lingström
Christer Lingström was born in 1957. He grew up in the Sörmländska Tystberga region close to nature with hunting, agriculture and his mother’s homely fare as natural parts of his day-to-day life.
Christer Lingström is an advocate of and ambassador for “ Swedish cuisine“. His cooking has its origin in plain Swedish food and is almost exclusively based on Swedish raw materials.
Here is a small selection from Christer’s life history:
1973 starts working at „Pärlan“ restaurant. Peels potatoes and learns to do pommes frites for a year. Learns the difference between dill and parsley.
1974 does food technology at Kristinebergs Gymnasium for a year.
1975-79 works around at various restaurants including Cattelins and Terminus.
1979-82 works in the Tore Wretman group, principally at the restaurant „Riche“.
1982 the renovation of Edsbacka Krog begins.
1983, at Valborgsmässoafton, Edsbacka Krog opens under Christer’s management. This is where the big challenge begins.
1986 Christer wins the Chef of the Year title.
1987 Christer publishes in cooperation with food writer Marianne Sandberg „The new Swedish Cuisine“ cookery book.
1992 he is awarded the Gastronomic Academy’s Gold Medal.
1992 Christer and Edsbacka Krog get one star in the „Guide Michelin“.
1996-99 is chairman of the „Chef of the Year“ association.
1997 He is awarded the Small Companys’ „Tasty Spoon“.
1998 in January he is awarded the M. Sandahl Foundation’s trophy of honour statue,Le Prix dHonneur pour lEncouragement, usually called „La Dance“.
1998 in February he is awarded the Gastronomic Academy’s and Tore Wretman’s special prize „Honesta Voluptate“.
1999 Edsbacka Krog is selected for „Traditions & Qualité Les Grandes Tables du Monde“.
2000 Christer and Edsbacka Krog are awarded two stars in Guide Rouge (formerly „Guide Michelin“).
2000 publishes in cooperation with Ingemar Unge the book „Svenska Smaker“ (Swedish Tastes).
2001 he is appointed Sweden’s first Food Ambassador by the Agriculture Minister Margareta Winberg.
2001 Christer receives the Catering Academy’s distinction „Special Truffles of the Year“.
2001 the subsidiary „Svenska Smaker“ [Swedish Tastes] is started, see
2002 Christer opens his Bistro on the other side of Sollentunavägen.
Christer Lingström says:
I have been a restaurateur at Edsbacka since 1983 and I think the overall experience at the restaurant is developing all the time. At the moment there are 25 of us who each day are trying to improve the restaurant in all respects and create a place to really remember.
And thinking how Valborg looked in 1983, when I had father-in-law Bengt handling the hard drinks, his son Torbjörn doing the washing-up, my wife Nina as head waiter and a security policeman (mate of Bengt) as waiter, shows that there have indeed been changes.
Christer Lingström is Chef de cuisine at 2 Michelin star restaurant
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