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Chefs On Tour For – Childhood Hunger



Four of the nation’s hottest young chefs will be touring the country to raise funds for Share Our Strength, the leading organization working to end childhood hunger. Partnering with the nation’s culinary elite in major cities across the country, they will create masterful multi-course dinners paired with exquisite wines to do their part in ending childhood hunger.

Nearly 14 million American children face hunger… By attending these dinners you can do your part to help end childhood hunger in America.

More info here

Smári er matreiðslumaður að mennt, en hann hefur starfað við fagið til fjölda ára, bæði sem starfsmaður og rekstraraðili. Hægt er að hafa samband við Smára á netfangið [email protected] Skoða allar greinar höfundar hér >>

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