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Chef of the Year held in Serbia for the first time



In November the newly founded Serbian Chef Association held the Serbian Chef of the Year competition for the first time.

The competition was held in the town of Novi Sad Exhibition center, along with the Tourist fair.  There were a lot of competitions of all kinds in the HORECA sector and a lot of media attention, along with a great amount of spectators who made this event a great success.
The judge team from Germany, Russia, Cyprus and Mr. Dragan Unic from SKF Sweden were busy all the time.

The Serbian Chef Association recently opened their new web-site:



Smári er matreiðslumaður að mennt, en hann hefur starfað við fagið til fjölda ára, bæði sem starfsmaður og rekstraraðili. Hægt er að hafa samband við Smára á netfangið [email protected] Skoða allar greinar höfundar hér >>

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