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Behind the scenes with Charlie Trotter



For nearly 20 years, Charlie Trotter has brought integrity, passion, and even obsession to his creation of exquisite food, a cuisine that blends European traditionalism, Asian minimalism, and American ingenuity.
Charlie Trotter, one of the brightest stars of American gastronomy, is renowned for his innovative cuisine, originating from the finest foodstuffs available. A network of over 90 purveyors provides the fresh, healthful ingredients that inspire him to create flavorful masterpieces. From the naturally-raised meat and the line-caught seafood to the organic produce, every component of each dish is the purest available. Indiana bobwhite quail, petite greens from Farmer Jones, heirloom tomatoes from Illinois, North Dakota buffalo and Hawaiian gindai are just a few of the products that arrive each day from which Chef Trotter crafts the daily menus.

He says:
„Cooking becomes art when you take the cleanest, freshest, seasonal product and you let it really speak for itself. The taste of free-range and organic products is so much better than the alternative. It is also good to know that you are eating unadulterated food and supporting farmers and growers who are directly connected with the land.“

He specializes in creating light, healthy dishes that sacrifice nothing in style, flavor, and satisfaction. He prefers saucing with vegetable juice-based vinaigrettes, light emulsified stocks and purées as well as delicate broths and herb-infused meat and fish essences.

„Unlike sauces which incorporate a lot of butter or cream, our approach does not mute or block the basic flavors of the ingredients they are meant to support.“

It is important to Trotter that diners enjoy a perfectly balanced meal that continues to satisfy afterwards.

„I do not want guests walking out of the restaurant feeling as if they over-indulged because of excessive cream, butter, and alcohol. I want them to feel stimulated and alert, knowing that they will be able to look forward to breakfast the following morning. Food doesn’t have to be rich to taste good.“

Neither dramatic nor showy, Trotter’s global cuisine is, however, intense with a new twist…. Try the Kitchen Table Menu, which combines seafood, meats, vegetables and grains. This unique experience illustrates Charlie’s total command of balancing flavors and portion sizes. Although the menu is comprised of about 15 courses it is still the perfect amount of food. Charlie’s true genius is his sense of balance and harmony and his ability to layer together a diverse series of flavors, textures and cultural influences, each course representing a different facet of the chef’s prowess.


Smári er matreiðslumaður að mennt, en hann hefur starfað við fagið til fjölda ára, bæði sem starfsmaður og rekstraraðili. Hægt er að hafa samband við Smára á netfangið [email protected] Skoða allar greinar höfundar hér >>

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