6th Annual Date Chef Competition
Fantasy Springs Casino & Hotel Resort, Indio, California
To obtain an Entry Form, click here (Pdf)
The annual California Date Chef Competition attracts top professional chefs from across the Coachella Valley and California to compete with their original date recipes for top prizes. A panel of food experts in a blind tasting selects first place winners in Appetizer, Entrée and Dessert categories, as well as Best of Show. After the professional judging is completed, chefs offer their entries for the public to taste at the Gala Champagne Awards Reception, where they compete for the Peoples Choice vote.
The Competition, open to professional chefs currently working in a restaurant or hotel, is designed to encourage chefs to be creative and adventuresome with California Dates. Top winners will be required to feature their dishes at their respective establishments for a month.
More information, click here
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