Vertu memm


1,600 bottles of wine on the wall



Another study has confirmed what wine drinkers have known for eons: red wine is good — no, great — for us.

In a just published study, researchers at Harvard Medical School and the National Institutes on Aging reported that resveratrol, a natural substance in red wine, offsets some negative effects of a high-fat diet.

It supports other studies that have shown similar benefits of red wine. In this most recent study, mice were fed diets with 60 percent of the calories from fat. The mice who were also given resveratrol gained weight but maintained normal livers and glucose and insulin levels in the blood. They also lived longer lives.

Talk about manna from heaven. It’s great to feel virtuous while enjoying a glass or two of red wine every day.

Of course, buried in the story was the clincher: To get the same amount of the substance that protected the mice, a 150-pound human would need to drink from 1,500 to 3,000 bottles of wine a day.


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