Welcome to the festival Chefs without borders
Festival Chefs without borders will take place on 19 August 2006 and it will unite members of WACS Nordic Chefs Association.
Traditionally (for the third time already) the venue of the festival is Estonia, the town of Narva. The best chefs from 15 countries are invited to cook their dainties.
18.08.2006 Arrival
12.00 Getting together in Tallinn, at the Reval Express Hotel
Departure for Narva
Distance 205 km; 2,5 hours drive
13.30 Coffee break and snacks at Kalvi Manor Hotel
16.00 Arrival at Narva. Accommodation at Inger hotel
16.30 Studying the festival areas at Narva Castle
Storage of foodstuff, introduction to kitchens
19.00 Festive reception and dinner
The dishes are cooked by Ida-Virumaa chefs
19.08.2006 Programme of the festival
09.00 Preparations in the kitchens and in the square of Narva Castle
10.00 Start of Narva Summer Fair with entertainment programme
11.00 Opening of the CWB festival
12.00 Lunch in the open air
13.00 Chefs competitions for the guests of the festival and the Fair visitors
Making pictures of the dishes for the CWB festival book
15.00 The festival hall opens for guests (Dainties-tasting)
16.00 CWB press-conference
17.00 End of the festival
17.30 Photographing of all the festival participants
19.00 Departure for Toila SPA Hotel
20.00 Evening programme in Toila Thermae
Saunas and swimming pools
23.00 Departure for Narva
20.08.2006 Programme for members of WACS Nordic Chefs Association
09.00 Meeting of WACS Nordic Chefs Association
10.30 Excursions in Narva and Ida-Virumaa
16.00 Dinner in the open air for participants of the festival
Estonian dishes and drinks
Speeches, entertainment programme
22.00 Departure for Narva
21.08.2006 Departure
7.00 Breakfast
09.30 Departure for Tallinn
12.30 Arrival in Tallinn
Participation fee and registration
Participation fee is 220 EUR for each participant. It includes:
Transportation Tallinn Narva Tallinn
Accommodation in Narva
Entertainment programme during the festival
To be registered for the festival, please send us e-mail [email protected] providing website address of your organisation, its arms, the photos of all the participating chefs, their place of work, their names and contacts. The deadline for registration is 20.07.2006.
Conditions of participation in the festival Chefs Without borders:
Approximately 5 members of each Chefs Association should take part in cooking the dishes
Each team has to prepare 25 portions of appetiser, main course and dessert in the national style
The dishes are served on the long buffet table. Each team gets its own place that can be decorated according to traditions of their country.
Foodstuff and serving plates should be brought by the team. Organizers will take care of providing foodstuff and serving plates if you make your orders by 20.07.2006 to [email protected].
The participants of the festival will be able to use kitchens, which will be installed and assembled in the Castle Square.
During the festival games and competitions for the chefs will be organised.
The Recipe book will be published after the festival. The recipes of dishes should be compiled in English and sent to the organising team by 20.07.2006 to [email protected]. Pictures of dishes will be made on the spot.
Please send us a review of your association activities for the past two years by 20.07.2006 to [email protected]. It will be put in the book.
We are preparing a web-site of the festival – The web-site starts working 25.05.2006.
Contacts of the organising team:
Jelena Lohmatova
Aivar Jegorov
Vello Kiviberg
See you at the festival Chefs without borders!
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