Videó: – Anthony Bourdain nær dauða en lífi
Það þekkja nú margir hverjir Íslandsvininn Anthony Bourdain, en nú á dögum var hann við gerð einnar þáttar og fór meðal annars á fjórhjól.
Það vildi svo óheppilega til að Anthony Bourdain náði ekki að halda sér á hjólinu í sandbrekku með þeim afleiðingum að fjórhjólið steyptist yfir hann og vallt með hann niður sandbrekkuna, en sem betur fer slapp hann ómeiddur úr hrakförunum.
Til gamans, þá setjum við hér fyrir neðan pistil frá Anthony Bourdain, þar sem hann segir frá íslandsferð sinni:
Anthony Bourdain on Iceland
„Strong Man’s Soup“
Iceland a volcanic island in the middle of the Atlantic. It sits just below the Arctic Circle. Steam rising from its hot springs and geysers. Less than 300,000 people live here. It feels extraterrestrial. Hit it in wintertime with only four hours of sunlight a day, and you feel like you’re walking on a frozen planet. What may seem like a dark, dank, suicidal time of year for most people, is in fact for Icelanders anything but. I’m told they manage to turn the extended hard day’s night into a rollicking good time, eating, drinking and pumping iron?
Exercise is one of the ways Icelanders preserve their health and sanity during the winter. No wonder the world’s strongest man for many years was from this country. Athletic facilities in general fill me with terror and dread. Look. I can’t even make it to the gym when it’s sunny and the cab drops me off at the front door. I need a little more than the promise of sweaty ripped abs and better health if I’m going to drag myself out of bed on a cold, dark morning. But I’m with some of Iceland’s elite strongmen and they have just the thing for me.
Downstairs in the kitchen, Greta, the gym’s resident mom and chef, is making up some kjotsupa for the muscle dudes. A traditional lamb soup made of fatty lamb, rutabaga, onion, carrot, celery, cabbage, leek and a fistful of rice to thicken. Its a kind of hearty peasanty food I really like. This heaping bowl of protein is the feed of choice for the strong guys in training. They eat it before and after exercise. Before and after. Yeah. Me, I’d eat two bowls of this then I’d need a nice, long nap. I wouldn’t feel like lifting heavy objects. They say the soup makes you bulky and strong. I’ve had three bowls and I’m getting nowhere.
Einnig er hægt er að skoða myndband frá heimsókn Anthony Bourdain hingað til Íslands hér í videóhorninu

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