Ungkokkar til Scothot
Haft er eftir Bjarka Hilmarsson forseta Klúbb Matreiðslumeistara í tímaritinu Suðurglugginn að stefnt er á að senda Ungkokka íslands til keppninnar KNORR World Junior Culinary Grand Prix í febrúar, dagana 26.-28.
Lítið er vitað um Ungkokka Íslands, þ.e. hver meðlimir þess er, hvað framundan er ofl.
Samkvæmt upplýsingum á heimasíðu ScotHot um ungliðakeppnina er eftirfarandi á ensku:
KNORR World Junior Culinary Grand Prix
Nine international junior chef teams will compete for this prestigious title. Consisting of 3 fully operational kitchens, where 3 teams will compete to serve a 3-course meal to 50 covers each to be served in the Restaurant of Nations. The Restaurant of Nations open each day of the show will offer a unique dining experience for visitors to the show who can book a table for lunch and enjoy a specially prepared meal.
Teams are judged on creativity, workmanship, composition and presentation. The Restaurant of Nations is centrally located within the show and is designed with views into the kitchen so that visitors to the show can see competition teams in action. You will be able to reserve your table at the Restaurant of Nations from December 2006.
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