The Worlds First Adjustable Heat Sauce
This is probably one of the hottest rather than coolest gadgets weve come across, the worlds first adjustable hot sauce spray.
I do enjoy the odd BBQ and due to my cooking ability (or lack there of) spicing the food after cremation is mandatory to take that charred taste away. A few of my friends are solicitors in Reading, so Ive got to be very careful of what I feed them as I dont want to get sued for burning somebodies tonsils out. Daves Gourmet whom are already famous for their Insanity Sauce may have the answer to my spicy dilemma, by way of the Adjustable Heat Sauce.
The Adjustable Heat Sauce is a pretty clever kind of spice dispenser, you twist the nozzle at the top to the required strength that your palate can withstand, then when you spray the sauce onto your food the right mixture of hot and not so hot sauce are dispensed, so for all your weedy solicitor friends just spray a mild mixture whilst all your hard mates can enjoy (or suffer) the full strength option.
The sauce is sold in a special 7.1 oz container that allows you to vary the spiciness of the sauce by turning the cap. The pump spray cap mixes the sauce from the two compartments of the bottle in different proportions. You can have a sauce that is barely spicy to one that is very zesty. The delicious sauce has met with overwhelmingly positive reviews and is expected to be a big seller.
For further info and the infamous Insanity source check out Daves Gourmet (Thanks Dave for the picture and thanks John my solicitor friend for pointing me in Daves direction).
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