Svar við þeim ásökum að vinningshafinn í Bocuse d´Or 2007 hafi svindlað
Fabrice Desvignes
Stéphan Rivière forstöðumaður matvælasvið öldungardeildar Frakklandsþing kemur hér með svar við þeim ásökum um að vinningshafinn í Bocuse d´Or 2007 hann Fabrice Desvignes hafi svindlað í keppninni.
Þeir sem ekki vita, þá vinnur Fabrice Desvignes sem aðstoðayfirmatreiðslumaður Frakklandsforseta.
Hér að neðan er hægt að lesa svar Stéphan Rivière:
I just receive your open letter regarding the accusation against M. Fabrice Desvignes. We are very surprise.
Could you imagine that one member of the French Sénat Presidency Kitchen Crew well take the risk to cheat. (during such important and famous event).?
Do you think realy that Fabrice was able to take the risk to be control by the Bocuse dor Committee and to be disqualifying at the beginning of his work.
If the questions are ?
did he prepare the dishes at Lyon the response is yes
There was in front of him among 15 or 20 person looking at him, We have hundred photos showing this people, staying during the Fabrice preparations, we have also movies which can proved this fact.
If ever he cheated this is an evidence that some one will put a reclamation at the second he noticed some thing goes Wrong.
if some one decide to give him this famous boxes after 9.20 am. I cant believe that No body told to the Bocuse dor Organization that there was an infraction
Every one have seen Fabrice cutting, cooking his Chicken and his St Fjord,
all along the Fabrice preparation in the back a Norway chef crew was here looking at Fabrice (controlling and supervising what he was doing).
Did the Bocuse dor committee controlled all of the French boxes (as he did for all of the candidate) the response is yes
When we knew that we will be probably late in bringing the food at the right time (due to the snow)
we asked at 7 am the 24th January the controllers and jury members, The committee had answer that the boxes have to be before 9.20 am in the kitchen, if we cant do it, it will be impossible for us to give to Fabrice Anything.
Did he Cheat? of course No
Just talk about what happen during the 23rd and 24th January
In our organization we decided to bring by truck and car the boxes containers (3 boxes and one small white)
We had decided to leave Paris at 3 PM (We had a very Important Lunch for the President Mr. Poncelet and Mr. Raffarin (1st Minister of the French Republic)) This is the reason we cant leave earlier
We left Paris at 4 PM but we were obliged to drive back to Paris (The Snow interrupt the traffic an the Highway to Lyon)
We put two boxes in our car, because the truck was not allowed (by the police) to move. Our small car was in able to take all of the food. We forget in the truck the black truffles, the duck foie gras and the leeks. (this was a terrible mistake) At this moment we thought that one year of preparation was down.
We arrived in Paris the 23 January at 8 PM. We booked the last train TGV at Gare de Lyon (Myself and the head Chef Gilles Poyac)
We took the train at 10 PM.
We arrived at Lyon Perrache the 24th January about 00.20 am. An another truck was waiting for us (Fabrice has take this truck to come with his tools the 22nd January)
We drived to Euro expo and arrived at 1Am the head chef stayed in the truck and slept to supervise that nobody steal the food and silver dishes
At the same time in Paris the first truck drived back with the boxes (1 large black and a small white). We booked for the two other chefs the Train at 6.00 am (Paris-gare de Lyon) 24th January, They took this train which was 10 minutes late. You can ask the SNCF.
I was waiting for them we left the Lyons station at 8.20 am and arrived at euroexpo about 9.10 am taking risk on the road.(by car (a car given by our sponsor Gaz de France)
I dont know if we gave the famous Fabrice Boxes at 9.15 or 9.16 or 9.18 or 9.21 am the 24th January
The fact his that the committed was inform that well give him 2 boxes.
The boxes was controlled by the Bocuse dor Organization
I read in your Open letter that Fabrice appeared Nervous, and unorganized
Nervous :
Yes of course as the other candidate. The day before Fabrice in Lyon was following or catastrophic organization travel by his Mobil, waiting in the hotel.
At 8 PM le 23rd January he told me that he decide to tell the bocuse dor committee that he cant do his recipe. (a shame for our crew and our country) because we dont prepare the fact that evenly we ll be stop by snow
Unorganized :
Of course he was unorganized, destabilized , a night without sleeping thinking about what his crew was doing. He had to concentrate again on his focus. And motivate his commis who was down.
If Fabrice has been able to prepare the recepie the 24th january of course he is able to do it again.
Best Regards
Stéphan Rivière
Intendant de la Présidence du Sénat
(Food and beverage manager of the French Senat)
PS : Sorry for my bad English and the grammatical mistake
Ljósmynd tók Hinrik Carl, matreiðslumaður
[email protected]

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