NZ's best cafe named
Cafe culture throughout the country is alive and well with the nation’s best cafe announced and the regional national barista competition to be judged next week.
Workman’s Cafe in Matamata has been judged the best in the country in the annual New Zealand Best Cafe Awards.
Cafe awards convenor Michael Guy said cafes were judged anonymously for everything from the standard of preparation and presentation of their coffee, to surroundings, service and food.
Workman’s Cafe had often been described as bizarre because the owner’s coffin its exterior painted with a grey suit and black tie was a prominent part of the decor.
The runner-up in the competition was The Sticky Beak Cafe in Otatara, Southland.
Meanwhile the regional National Barista Awards will be judged at Te Papa in Wellington next Monday.
Over 30 top coffee makers from the lower North Island will be vying for a place in the National Finals in Auckland in November.
The New Zealand champion will compete at the World Barista Championships in Tokyo, Japan in 2007.
Within the 15 minute competition time each competitor will make four espressos, four cappuccinos and four signature espresso-based beverages.
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