Vertu memm


New President in Iceland



Gissur GuðmundssonOn the 1st of May at our congress I left my post as the President of the Icelandic Chefs Association, it is with sadness and pleasure that I leave the President post.

I have been in the board of Icelandic Chefs Association for the last 10 years, it has been hard, but fulfilling work with many great friends Bjarki Hilmarssonand colleges in Iceland and around the work.  But it is sometimes good to make the decision to keep on and try something new and work in different areas, at the same time it gives the younger and new blood the opportunity to bring our association into the future.

I will keep on being responsible for the Icelandic Bocuse d´Or 2007 candidate and for the Icelandic National Culinary Team.  To tell you the truth it is hard to let this go because I have been with them from the beginning and this has given me incredible knowledge.

The Nordic Chefs Association and the World Association of Chefs Society will get all my time for the next years and I look forward working with you all.

The new President of the Icelandic Chefs Association is my good friend Bjarki Hilmarsson.  Bjarki is well known to many of you; he is the head of most culinary competitions held in Iceland, he has been in the Culinary Team of Iceland for many years and has the full trust of all members in Iceland.  I ask you to welcome him with open hearts and friendship.

Bjarki´s contact information is:

Post box to the Icelandic Chefs Association
P.O BOX 1301 IS
121 Reykjavik

Thank you all for the great help with my work as President for the Icelandic Chefs Association in the last years.

Gissur Gudmundsson
World Association of Cooks Societies European Continental director
President of the Nordic Chefs Association
Owner of Restaurant Tveir Fiskar


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