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Jömm keppti á meðal bestu í heimi í European Street Food Awards



European Street Food Awards 2019

Eigendur Homeboys ánægðir með sigurinn

Götubitakeppnin European Street Food Awards var haldin nú um helgina sem leið í Malmö í Svíþjóð. Það var Jömm sem keppti fyrir Íslands hönd og er það í fyrsta skiptið sem að íslenskur götubiti tekur þátt í keppninni. Jömm fékk þátttökurétt í keppnina eftir sigur í Reykjavik Street Food götubitahátíðinni á Miðbakkanum í Reykjavík sem haldin var nú í sumar.

Það voru þúsundir sem sóttu um að keppa í European Street Food Awards 2019, nokkur hundruð sem komust áfram og kepptu í sínu landi og voru 21 staðir frá 15 löndum sem kepptu til úrslita í Malmö í Svíþjóð og var Jömm þar á meðal.

Sjá einnig: Jömm keppir á European Street Food Awards í Malmö næstu helgi


Keppendur voru:

  • Eastern Exspress⁣ – Rússland
  • Rock Burger TRUCK – Street Food Battle – Ítalía
  • BUBU ARARE-Veggie Japanese Food – Pólland
  • Jömm – Ísland
  • Social Burgerjoint – Finnland
  • 11er Genuss-Bus – Ástralía
  • DHABA Kitchen – Danmörk
  • Heiko Triller – Þýskaland
  • Pabellon Venezuelan Food – Venesúela
  • Irvin’s BBQ – Svíþjóð
  • Chacha Time – Tbilisi – þýskaland
  • Smoke & Meat BBQ – Ungverjaland
  • Famous Burgers – Bretland
  • Bao Bun – Lettland
  • Homeboys – Bretland
  • Tabemasu Ka-Jen – Svíþjóð
  • FutoBuri – Þýskaland
  • Utter Waffle – Bretland
  • Gettergod Gelato ToGo – Svíþjóð
  • Thrilla in Manila – Danmörk
  • Marokkanische Spezialität – Danmörk

Keppt var í 6 flokkum:

  • Besta aðalréttinn
  • Besta eftirréttinn
  • Besta hamborgarann
  • Besta snakkið
  • Besdta samlokan
  • Besta grænmetisréttinn

Jömm keppti í flokkunum Besta grænmetisréttinn og Besta snakkið með réttina Beisik börger og Spicy box. Því miður náði Jömm ekki að komast á verðlaunapall, en engu að síður frábær árangur.

Jömm keppnisréttir

Jömm - Beisik börger

Beisik börger

Jömm - Spicy box

Spicy box

Gestir hátíðarinnar völdu besta götubitann:

1. sæti – Thrilla in Manila
2. sæti – Irvin’s BBQ
3. sæti – 11er Genuss-Bus

Úrslit í öllum flokkunum:

Besta snakkið: Homeboys
Besti grænmetisrétturinn: 11er Genuss-Bus
Besti hamborgarinn: Social Burgerjoint
Besta samlokan: Bao Bun Latvia frá Lettlandi og Irvin’s BBQ frá Svíþjóð
Besti aðalrétturin: DHABA Kitchen
Besti eftirrétturinn: Gettergod Gelato ToGo

Heildarúrslit í European Street Food Awards 2019

Yfir heildina var það Homeboys frá Bretlandi sem fékk flest stig og hreppti titilinn European Street Food Awards 2019.

Dómarar voru Daniel Berlin, Titti Qvarnstrom og Karin Ericson ásamt öllum gestum á hátíðinni sem gáfu sitt atkvæði.

Myndir af keppnisréttunum og lýsing á réttum á engilsaxnesku:

European Street Food Awards 2019

The BEST BURGER Winner is: Social Burgerjoint.
Mika Tuominen, winner of 2012 MasterChef Finland, joined forces with Herkko Volanen to create a restaurant concept that is creating quite the buzz among foodies.
Their Social Burgerjoint uses only sustainably produced ingredients with proof of origin some 90 percent of which are domestic to attest the duo’s impeccable ethical standards.
The result? Their winning dish – Brookdale 100% beef, pickled red onion, cheddar, bearnaise mayonnaise served in a brioche bun – ethical ingredients, cooked to perfection.
Congratulations Social Burgerjoint

Dómarar þóttu erfitt að velja á milli næstu tveimur réttum um bestu samlokuna og urðu sammála að réttirnir myndu deila fyrsta sætinu saman:

European Street Food Awards 2019

The BEST SANDWICH Winners are: Irvin’s BBQ (SWEDEN).
Per Magnusson of Irvin’s BBQ, the winner of the 2019 Swedish Street Food Awards, is passionate about barbecue. Whether it’s smoked seafood, rotisserie (whole grilled meat) or „low and slow“ directly from the oven.
He lives in Huddinge, and travels round with two large smoke cabinets, a BBQ chamber, and a charcoal grill. But he’s also keen on getting the atmosphere right, with awnings and candle lighting for the evening.
His pastrami sandwich, brined for 12 days and smoked for 14 hours, with pickled root crops and chopped parsley, served on grilled sourdough bread with herbs and garlic was worth the wait!

European Street Food Awards 2019

The BEST SANDWICH Winners are: Bao Bun Latvia
Bao Bun Latvia saves some traditional Asian tastes, like pork and pickles but they have also added a lot of different influences that Latvians recognise, like chicken, walnuts and mushrooms, and something more exotic like duck confit and salmon! Everything is made from scratch – starting with the buns but including every sauce and pickles. Bao Bun Latvia’s home-made bao with duck leg confit and hoisin glaze stole the day.

European Street Food Awards 2019

The BEST VEGETARIAN Winner is: 11er Genuss-Bus.
11er is a 3rd generation, family-owned potato business from the western part of Austria. Genuss is a German word meaning treat or indulgence.
And their signature dish – Alpendoner – is just that. It can be roughly translated as ‘Alpine Kebab’. They have ditched the bread usually used in a kebab and replaced it with their 11er potato rosti. The thin, crispy golden rosti is then covered with the best fresh, regional and homemade ingredients and prepared for you a-la-minute.
The winning Alpendoner dish was topped with sun-dried tomatoes, fresh cumin, avocado, grilled mushrooms and Austrian king ceps plus a side of Pimp My Fries.
Congratulations 11er Genuss-Bus!

European Street Food Awards 2019

The BEST DESSERT Winner is: Gettergod Gelato ToGo (Sweden)
This was a dish that everyone wanted to try – and the queues proved it! Their winning dish was Yolo Lyx No1 (Gelato panini): A hot sealed milk bun stuffed with Sea buckthorn and mango gelato, salted caramel syrup, fresh raspberries and a crunch of caramelized pumpkin seeds.
Marie Sedin of Gettergoda is a trained pastry chef. In 2013 she started making delicious hand-crafted gelato from goats’ milk – but she felt there was something missing. The only times they actually met the customers was at different food festivals so in 2016 they got their gelato bike.
Things have changed. Marie no longer makes as much gelato from goats’ milk, using local organic cows’ milk instead. And, in 2017, she decided to expand her range – in an effort to extend Sweden’s ice cream season. We saw the machine for a gelato panini in a youtube clip and we were immediately convinced that the Swedes would love it.
They make all gelato themselves from their own recipe, also all syrups, crunch they do themselves. They don’t like shortcuts and are convinced that the customer can taste the difference. They try to use locally produced ingredients as far as possible. They have a real passion for all the fantastic ingredients that exist in our country and the fantastic producers that make them.

European Street Food Awards 2019

The BEST SNACK Winner is: Homeboys
Not content with just winning Best Snack at the British Street Food Awards earlier this month, Homeboys have brought home the bacon, well crispy pig’s head to be precise. Their red braised smoked ham hock and jowl nuggets served with burnt apple sauce and gribiche salad was exceptional once again.
Congratulations Homeboys!

Myndir og vídeó: facebook / European Street Food Awards

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