France becomes creative with wine labels
The French are coming up with some odd label names to boost international wine sales, The Sunday Times of London says.
Names like Elephant on a Tightrope and Arrogant Frog, with bottles featuring the comic animals, are designed to lift the French wine industry out of a consumption slump. Increasing competition from abroad is also prompting wine marketers to be creative with names and labels, the newspaper said.
At the top of the market, things appear to be going well. The 2005 Bordeaux vintage, The Sunday Times reported, is fetching record prices in the futures market. Further down the scale, however, producers are under more pressure.
The name Elephant on a Tightrope is meant to emphasize „balance“ in the wine, the newspaper said. Balance is a popular term among wine makers.
The animal fad seems to be particularly effective among younger consumers. Wine makers cite the soaring sales of Yellow Tail, an Australian wine that features a wallaby on the bottle.
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