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d'Alesme Becker sold to Labegorce



Margaux estate Chateau Marquis d’Alesme Becker has just been sold to Labégorce owner Hubert Perrodo for €25m.

Perrodo, a French entrepreneur and polo player, owns both Chateau Labégorce and Chateau Labégorce Zédé. He has just completed the purchase of his neighbouring estate in Margaux, 3rd growth Marquis d’Alesme Becker.

He plans to not only restore the fortunes of this under-performing cru classé – one of the oldest in Margaux – but to move the location of the entire chateau itself.

Marquis d’Alesme Becker has been owned by the Zuger family since the 1950s. Jean-Claude Zuger will retain ownership of the building, while the name, stocks, 28 hectares of vines and all winemaking facilities will pass entirely to Perrodo.

Perrodo has owned cru bourgeois Labégorce since 1989, and bought Labégorce Zédé in January 2005. He plans to ultimately reunite them under name.

Until the 19th century, Chateau Labégorce was one entire unit, but as is usual with French succession, it got divided into three parts. Perrodo has now brought all three sections back together.

Another part of his recent spending spree involved the purchase in 2003 of a chateau (with no vines attached) that had been part of the original Labégorce – and this will be the new home of Marquis d’Alesme Becker. Plans are already underway for new wine-making facilities on the site.

Delphine Dariol Kolasa, head of communication for Chateau Labégorce, told, ‘Mr Perrodo will invest heavily in quality, as he does with all his wines. Part of the vineyard of d’Alesme Becker joined that of Labégorce, so he is extending his ownership of a key plateau of Margaux – but of course will keep the brands entirely separate.’

The sale was completed on June 22 for a sum thought to be between €25 and 30m.


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