Blanching in oil is a traditional Chinese method for preparing meat for stir fry. It must be done in a wok, rather than a fryer, so the temperature can be slowly brought from low to high. Chef Schulson utilizes this technique in his recipe for Wok Hay Frog Legs, in which frog leg meat is marinated, blanched, and stir fried. Wok Hay (wok-energy or wok-breath) refers to the inimitable balance of flavor, heat and smokiness that results from cooking in a wok over extremely high heat.
STEP 1: In a wok, heat oil to 150ºF.
STEP 2: Add the marinated and de-boned frog legs. Over the course of 1 minute, bring the temperature to 300ºF.
STEP 3: Remove meat from the oil. Rinse in a warm water bath in another wok, then dry. The meat is now ready to be stir fried.
Wok Hay Frog Legs
Chef Michael Schulson of Buddakan – New York, NY
Adapted by
Yield: 1 Serving
8 ounces frog legs, cleaned
1/3 Tablespoon salt
Pinch of white pepper
1 egg
1 Tablespoon cornstarch
½ Tablespoon sesame oil
¼ cup oil, plus more for blanching
1/3 Tablespoon ginger, minced
Stir Fry:
½ cup golden chives
½ Tablespoon minced ginger
1 Tablespoon Shaoxing wine
1 Tablespoon oyster sauce
Salt and pepper
For Garnish:
Slow-roasted garlic slivers
Micro cilantro
For Marinade:
De-bone the frog legs. Mix well with salt, pepper and egg. Add cornstarch, oils, ginger and a bit of water if mixture is too dry. Mix well and marinate for at least two hours. Remove meat from marinade.
In a wok, heat oil to 150ºF. Add the marinated and de-boned frog legs. Over the course of 1 minute, bring the temperature to 300ºF. Remove meat from the oil. Rinse in a warm water bath in another wok, then dry.
For Stir Fry:
Heat a wok over the highest heat possible. Add a bit of oil and swirl to coat. Add frog legs, chives, ginger, and Shaoxing wine and cook for 30 seconds. Season with oyster sauce, salt and pepper. Garnish with slow-roasted garlic slivers and micro cilantro to serve.
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