Jim McKenna hasn’t quite mastered the corkscrew and is foggy on fermentation science, but he knows the laws governing sales of his wine. In that sense,...
Coca-Cola er verðmætasta vörumerki heims, fimmta árið í röð, samkvæmt árlegri könnun alþjóðlegu ráðgjafarstofnunarinnar Interbrand. Er vörumerki Coca-Cola metið á 67 milljarða dala, jafnvirði 4900 milljarða...
The terms „gourmet“ and „Iceland“ have not always gone hand in hand. In a time recent enough for most adult Icelanders to recall, „haute cuisine“ denoted...
Europhiles who bemoan the lack of sophisticated food and wine in America have nothing to complain about in San Francisco, where you can find shockingly delicious...
The world’s most romantic city is really all about memories, and the city’s restaurants are no different. When you’ve had one stunning meal in Paris, the...
New York is indisputably the restaurant capital of the world. No other city can boast such a profound variety of cuisines, from Aegean to Zambian, and...
The days when London dining was synonymous with bad food are over. The revolution in London’s kitchens began simmering in the 1970s, and by the 1980s...
Chicago is a city of invention. Witness its motto: The City That Works. In the kitchen it’s fond of tinkering. When experimental, deconstructionist food made the...
Harveys are making the latest attempt to kick-start the sluggish sherry industry with a new orange-flavoured offering. Harveys Orange, a blend of Bristol Cream with ‘natural...
Það þekkja nú margir hverjir Íslandsvininn Anthony Bourdain, en nú á dögum var hann við gerð einnar þáttar og fór meðal annars á fjórhjól. Það vildi...
Mjólka ehf. segist nú íhuga kæru á hendur Osta- og smjörsölunni fyrir að nota orðið FETA á sínar afurðir án leyfis. Hefur sérstök tilkynning vegna þessa...
Matreiðslumeistarinn Örn Garðarsson gladdi bragðlauka viðskiptavina Kaskó í Keflavík sl. fimmtudag er hann steikti hrefnukjöt fyrir gesti. Örn hefur verið að matreiða hrefnukjöt í rúmt ár og...