All set for the national chef of whales final cook off
Four of the nation’s leading chefs face the ultimate test of their culinary skills tomorrow (Tuesday) when they go head to head in the National Chef of Wales Final cook-off.
Having secured their places in the final by preparing menus of their choice in the regional heats, the chefs now have no chance to practice their dishes as they will each be given a mystery black box of ingredients to work with.
From the moment they receive their black box, they will have just three hours to decide how to use the ingredients, write a menu and then prepare a four course four meal for four.
The competition is organised by the Welsh Culinary Association and sponsored by the Welsh Development Agency and Hybu Cig Cymru / Meat Promotion Wales.
The final is being held on the first day of Welsh International Culinary Championships at Coleg Llandrillo Cymru, Rhos-on-Sea from February 21-23, which are open to the public.
The finalists are Stephen Duffy, 33, head chef at St Tudno Hotel, Llandudno, Gareth Dwyer, 26, head chef at the Castle Hotel, Conwy, Nicholas Evans, 33, head chef of Owens Restaurant at The Celtic Manor Resort, Coldra Woods, Newport and Ross Williams, 33, head chef of La Marine Restaurant, Penarth.
Apart from securing the title of the best chef in Wales, the winner will be invited to join the Welsh National Culinary Team for the prestigious Culinary World Cup 2006 in Luxembourg in November and collect a cash prize of £500. He will also recreate his winning menu for 120 guests at a presentation dinner at Coleg Llandrillo Cymru on April 5.
The final coincides with the start of the Battle for the Dragon contest at Coleg Llandrillo Cymru, which sees the Welsh National Culinary Team take on the national teams from Germany and France over three days.
Each team is challenged to prepare a three-course lunch for 75 people using quality Welsh ingredients. The team given the highest points by a panel of international judges will win a specially commissioned Dragon Trophy.
Wales begin the contest tomorrow (Tuesday) followed by Germany on Wednesday and France, competing for the first time on the international stage since 1978, on Thursday. Captain Lee Jeynes, head chef at Crag Brow Hotel, Bowness on Windermere, will manage the team for the competition and team members are vice captain Wayne Roberts, chef partner of The Waterfront Restaurant, Trearddur Bay and The Courtyard, Beaumaris, Mike Bates, executive chef at the Celtic Manor Resort, Newport, Hefin Roberts, of The Courtyard, Beaumaris, Steve Hewitt, of the Kinmel Arms, St George, Abergele and Danny Burke, development chef for food service company Brakes in Flint.
Local people will have the chance to sample the chefs’ culinary delights, although only a limited number of tickets are available for lunch over the three days at Coleg Llandrillo Cymru. Lunch costs £25 per person and can be booked with Jane Cater, events manager at the college, on Tel: 01492 542 305.
The Welsh International Culinary Championships, which are this year sponsored by the Welsh Development Agency, are being staged at Coleg Llandrillo Cymru for the first time. Designed to celebrate the nation’s culinary skills and food, the event is packed with exciting competitions.
The Welsh National Culinary Team is sponsored by the Welsh Development Agency, C&C Catering Equipment Ltd, Brakes, Unilever Foodsolutions UK, Catering Engineers (N.W.) Ltd, Hybu Cig Cymru/ Meat Promotion Wales, Gourmet Classic Ltd, Villeroy and Boch and Friedr. Dick, Germany.
More info:

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