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Raymond Blanc lætur Marco og Gordon fá það óþvegið



Raymond Blanc

Raymond Blanc er ekkert að skafa af því í nýjasta viðtali við hann sem birt var í Metro, þar sem hann talaði opinskátt um meistarana Marco Pierre White og Gordon Ramsay.

Hér eftrfarandi er það sem hann lét hafa eftir sig:

Apparently when he was training Pierre White at Le Manoir, the volatile chef was „a nightmare,“ says Blanc. „Marco had to prove he was the best all the time. He always had to set up some sort of competition in the kitchen, which is not good because it makes people feel a bit scared.“

As for Gordon, Raymondo is asked what he thought of the time the chef dressed up in disguise and pretended to be one of Blanc’s fans at a book signing.

The response: „I find that very sad. He has a number of businesses and I know how tough that is. So to come and play the clown at one of my signings…what’s the point? What is the bloody point? I didn’t get it“.

And: „He is the only one to get it. What is he trying to do and say? I just laugh. My God, has that guy got nothing else to do? He must be very well organised in his business if he has time to do stuff like that.“

Later on Raymond does say: „I just want to add that Marco is a good friend of mine. And if he made a few mistakes on the way, well, don’t we all?“


Heimasíða Metro:


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