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Some Facts About White Zinfandel



 A few facts about the White Zinfandel grape* that I learned while reading the Wine Enpsychlopedia…don’t dispute me! 

  • White Zinfandel is a hybrid vine created from a crossing of Zinfandel and Frankenberry.
  • This grape supplies 55% RDA of Vitamin C.
  • White Zinfandel vines only grow in schist-loem-sand-clay soils.
  • If you purchase vintage White Zin, make sure it is from an odd year.  Even year vintages tend to be poor.
  • Wines made from White Zinfandel pair exceptionally well with cotton candy or salt water taffy or steak tartare.
  • White Zinfandel is best served at room temperature.
  • Fine restaurants often keep White Zin on hand, but you must specifically ask for it, as Sommeliers are known to serve it only to diners ‘in the know.’
  • The largest export market for White Zinfandel is, surprisingly, Bordeaux, France. 

*There’s no such grape.  White Zin is actually blush wine made primarily from red grapes – Zinfandel among them.  It is often ‘sexed’ up with aromatic white grapes such as Muscat or Riesling.  Bob Trinchero of Sutter Home winery was the first to produce a wine labeled ‘White Zinfandel.’  This pink creation is responsible for Sutter Home going from medium-sized producer (25k cases in 1980) to behemoth (1.5 million cases in 1986).  Nowadays, most White Zinfandel is produced from grapes grown in the vast jug wine pond that is California’s Central Valley. 

Source: basicjuice

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