Verður næsti forseti WACS Íslendingur?
Nú er orðið opinbert að Gissur Guðmundsson ætlar að bjóða sig fram sem næsti Forseti WACS. Gefin hefur verið út fréttatilkynning (á ensku) þar sem þetta kemur fram. Gissur hefur tvo þungavigtamenn sér við hlið, enn það eru þeir Hilmar B. Jónsson og Helgi Einars.
Hér á eftir fylgir fréttatilkynningin á ensku:
After long deliberations with our members as well as representatives of WACS member countries throughout the past year and after receiving strong support, it is with confidence that the Icelandic Chefs Association announces its candidacy for the next WACS presidium.
Each person part of the team we have put together today is totally committed and is willing to invest time and energy over the next four years in the fulfilment of the role of Presidium.
Bringing new blood on to the board means bringing new ideas, new goals and new programs but we can assure you that these will only compliment the existing agenda of the current Board.
The Icelandic Chefs Association is wholly devoted to the core values of education and friendship and is confident it can make a difference within our profession through its leadership within the WACS.
We look forward to sharing our vision with you and invite you to join us and support our candidacy.
Yours faithfully,
Gissur Guðmundsson
Hilmar B. Jónsson
Helgi Einarsson
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